General Discussion

General DiscussionRole matchmaking sucks!

Role matchmaking sucks! in General Discussion

    No one even picks the role they chose.


      Agreed. Where's the option for Jungler?


        Works ok for me. 4 games only 1 game support picked Luna. We reported.



          I marked carry, i got put mid. BabyRage




              lol i had a feeling this wouldnt work. if valve had a solid detection in place to at least ban abusers from using role matchmaking it could be good

              Story Time

                but u dont need to play this mode if you dont buy battlefass right?


                  you don't need to play it even if you do buy battlepass.

                  in all honesty it is slightly better. means you actually have people supporting who want to do it.

                  Pale Mannie

                    no fucking shit that role based mm will be a trainwreck from beginning

                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                      I wish position 4 and 5 had different options.

                      flourishing new leaf

                        No shit, but you know the power of Leddit


                          Idiots can ruin everything... Even a computer game and there is no detection against that.

                          Please don't ruin it before I get to try it out...

                          Story Time

                            the new things rarely work smoothly

                            Player 99091656

                              I like ot

                              me, government hooker

                                and? did u expect there wouldnt be ruiners lol new to dota two??
                                anyways its better than normal matchmaking, tho it will never be perfect without an overwatch system like csgo has and valve manually start banning people


                                  It’s a step in the right direction and needs to be implemented full time imo


                                    What they should have done is make it like random draft but when you select "support" only heroes marked as "support" are in your draft. Same goes for HC, etc.

                                    flourishing new leaf

                                      Step in the right direction? Shoot yourself!


                                        If it doesn't get applied to non battle pass players the game will probably lose more players from its already decaying player base
                                        Either match battle pass players vs other battle pass players OR make it an option for everyone
                                        it doesn't really matter tho since I get the role I want anyway using the (x or feed) formula


                                          What they should have done is make it like random draft but when you select "support" only heroes marked as "support" are in your draft. Same goes for HC, etc.

                                          by that logic i never could play SB as pos 4 roaming, since the hero doesnt show up as support when you put on the filter.


                                            Its just another easy way to test this feature which is highly requested without having to mess something up.

                                            and people pay to test it for valve.


                                              This is pay to win actually. Try hards usually buy TI battle pass and they will be grouped together with an extra layer of filtering.
                                              The group will then be matched with a mixed bag group of people wil no battlepass who will fight for carry roles and hence higher chance of tilting.
                                              Conclusion: Buy TI battlepass if you don’t want to be disadvantaged at ranked matches.



                                                Nah man, if u think that people with battle pass are more tryhards than those without, you are wrong.

                                                Anyway, this system should be free instead of a battle pass feature, im not going to use this mode anymore

                                                Solo Leveling

                                                  Shits legit Im 6-0 since battle pass came out


                                                    I think they are giving this a try with a more limited opt-in pool. And if the level of play is better, this might come to regular Dota as well. I understand that this is a feature in some other game, like lol I think. Sounds like a relatively good thing, but we will see what becomes of it.

                                                    And no, you cannot limit the hero pool for a selected role all that much as some heroes go from carry to support and vice versa as the meta changes. Maybe you could limit some 3 star carry heroes from supports, but that only means you won't see AM supports, but not much else.

                                                    They will gather stats and crunch the numbers and see what comes of it.