General Discussion

General DiscussionA question for 6k mmr players

A question for 6k mmr players in General Discussion

    Can someone check out my profile and give me legit advise on how to improve?

    Cuz ive been in 6k average games lately


      stick to 1 role,play meta heroes=profit

      Lruce Bee

        having been on this forum long enough, im surprised you would ask this question and expect anything useful


          All op wants is non 6k players not to comment on this thread, thank you.


            Lol there are 6ks in this forum like cookie-sama


              hello yes I am the 6k and u need to just stop being bad and start winning ur games ty for listen


                Use Destroys Ancientus to get to 6k


                  u need to GIT GUD i think everyone agree with that

                  Ten komentarz był edytowany
                  Sorry grills, I'm gey ☺

                    git gewd


                      gib us advices o 6k

                      not a single one of my friends are actually got 6k yet

                      how to improve mechanical skill moar


                        im 6,3k on my main and reaching 6k is not that hard,u need to master 1 role and stick to that,never throw,everyone tilts and flames,but dont go too hard.Play only when u are feeling like playing and in good mood.Check my last void game,won with 5 cores.There is always opportunity to win if you know what are you doing.


                          I mean, what they say is true, pick one role, find 1-3 heroes with all the same playstyle in that role (ex, if i wanted to play pos 1 then i'd take a sub role of only farming carries aka my 1-3 heroes would be am, luna, terror), also if possible take high in meta heroes, next step find a high rank player who plays those heroes frequently and download and analyse all his replays, analyse every single action he does, do not cut off on anything - if you find any differences in gameplay what so ever then explore them to the maxximum.

                          What you specifically need depends on your own gameplay and habits, for example when i was grinding from 5k to 6k it took me 10 days, because i quickly realised that my biggest problem was the first 10 minutes as i couldn't outlasthit 7k+ players and that i'd die to support rotations, after practicing some LH in lobbies and started tracking the supports on the map during that time better - my mmr instantly inflated.

                          your problems could be in the 0-10 min, 10-20, 20-30 etc. it's up to you to find them and solve them, if you can't do that then don't be afraid to hire a coach to show you how it's done.

                          *cough me cough*

                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                            Since i dont have cash to pay for coaching, ive been sticking to the support role lately, with my hero pool consisting of chen, ns and willow, imma try this for a couple of days and post here the amount of mmr that i have gained


                              u need replay analysis to improve at that level

                              i can tell u to pick treant

                              pick treant he has 55% winrate and is easy to play

                              thats not helpful is it


                                Nah mate, treant doesnt really fit my playstyle


                                  since im not 6k im not gonna give straight dota advice. but i can give the method that helps me grind fast whenever i put the time.

                                  bsj is actually pretty good at finding the mistakes in those "unwinnable" games and making u realise u can win. good coaches in general are good for finding stuff that are in ur blind spot.
                                  but i think aside from coaching being the most efficient way time and energy wise, the next best thing is replay analysis. like watch a spammer (i.e. visage spammer for u), look at what he's doing, start seeing the pattern. go play urself. the wins are whatever. when u lose now u have questions like "what do i do when this x type of scenario happens", then go back watching replays and this time think objectively. try finding answers to ur new questions. solve em and fix em.


                                    But i stopped spamming visage already, i want to learn the game better by NOT playing visage

                                    Leafclubb🍃 ♫

                                      I only play solo ranked when I feel that I'm in my perfect condition, then boom winstreak. Sometimes you just need a break.

                                      Here's my 2 cents. Try to notice the littlest things like time wasted on not using hotkeys, knowing the exact damage you and/or your opponent can dish out, and being aware of the range of abilities for clutch positioning(theoretically). If you're really good already, It's worth a shot.

                                      Communication and strategy brainstorming always helps in my experience with 6ks. Especially when playing with a hero that has Global Presence.

                                      But of what relevance is my opinion as a 5k scrub :(.


                                        not visage necessarily, any hero. if u wanna go versatile, dont be like ok now imma pick based on picks on draft. have like a pool. i know u do. if u wanna not spam expand ur hero pool 1 hero at a time. and to learn that hero 6k+ level u gotta spam it and do that watch pros play it thing i said above at the start till u get him right