General Discussion

General DiscussionLaning vs an Axe 7.14

Laning vs an Axe 7.14 in General Discussion

    Which carries can solo zone out an axe when ur supports have to constantly help mid.

    Timmy Turner Boomer

      Lifestealer, Drow, clinkz...


        Lifestealer,clinkz are good but isnt drow too weak be4 lvl 6?

        michael sassbender

          gyro is probably the best both in lane and throughout the game vs an axe


            Lifestealer isn't that good
            But he isn't horrible
            I would say maybe Ursa?
            Gyro seems fine

            Tbh axe doesn't even have as much of a problem 1v1 against ranged heroes anymore, especially drow, since he can get 2 to even 3 points in battlehunger and just deny every creep against her pitiful animation and dmg

            Player 345996680

              doesnt axe straight up lose like any 2v1 super hard and is also rly useless without farm tho?

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              Lruce Bee

                dont know about lifestealer. but ursa is good. and just anyone ranged can do it


                  Od rapes axe solo


                    Monkey King ofc, second gyro. Monkey King apart from non meta Ursa is the only carry that can also stand solo vs Bristleback.

                    Clinkz vs Axe is autolose. Maybe you can harass Axe in lane, but all Axe needs is blink Blade mail to kill you everytime.

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                      I have recently spammed Axe with reasonable success so:

                      (1) Monkey King: no two ways about it, his range with that stick is just ridiculous and is the hardest counter to the Axe-Man (bar maybe ursa until you have blademail);
                      (2) LifeStealer - LS with a slow/stun support = dead Axe. Also, he just doesn't seem to die later on either (despite blink+call+BM+Lotus).
                      (3) Gyro - don't see him much in my bracket but his movement speed and flak/rocket barrage would be reasonable against him.
                      (4) Visage - again in my bracket I don't see him, but with some decent micro management and his slows, the familiars could zone him.

                      Honourable mention: Skywrath... literally spam spells from far away and can easily zone him or keep him at a distance to make him think twice about walking up to the lane.

                      I have only encountered OD once in lane but I found him rather easy - annoying with banish but his damage isn't crazy enough for me have nightmares about. If life is hard, just cut their wave into the jungle and get the guaranteed helix's whilst retreating OR pull them completely under your tower (timing for your wave is better otherwise the safelane will get freefarm under their tower).

                      Story Time

                        no one mentioned WK? ok


                          I'm pretty sure u can just call a strong support and dual lane against any carry that is decent against axe and destroy them


                            axe is really cheesy right now comparable to a brood mother if played by a competent player, u wont be able to lane if ur hero is weak against axe early on,
                            either dodge the lane or pick a hero that can easily kill 1 creep instantly and more importantly ranged supports

                            Dire Wolf

                              lifestealer isn't as good as you think. Axe's helix is pure dmg which hurts him a lot. You can't really just trade blows with axe if he's pulling any creep aggro. I like ranged heroes more. Medusa is great cus you'll snake him off creep waves easily, plus snake almost always kills the ranged creep to get rid of hunger.

                              Either way you need a decent support. With decent support most carries are fine vs solo axe.

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                              Leafclubb🍃 ♫

                                I don't have trouble laning with axe as Arc Warden atleast. Ranged cores usually do well.


                                  Arc Warden and dusa are still pretty bad heroes rn


                                    on his own clinkz can't deal with axe, clinkz + a slow or stun support should have little trouble. Alone axe just runs at clinkz with battle hunger and you can't zone him out enough.


                                      No one mentioned Viper? or Veno


                                        Veno isn't good because aforementioned battlehunger and venos pitiful lh capabilities

                                        Viper is pretty good