General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do players manage to stay at VHS constantly...

How do players manage to stay at VHS constantly... in General Discussion

    I have seen A LOT of players who made a new acc and managed to get VHS. I have seen their scores and they have like 10+kills 10+deaths and 15+ assists and (which sucks for me cause its a bad kda ratio) they manage to maintain at VHS whereas I even with very good KDA (except that morph and pa), was deranked to high skill. I spammed leshrac in order to reach VHS but now I can't maintain it. BTW message to all injokers: pro invoker players have 1 common trait that makes them PRO which makes me 1 of them :) and its a secret that we cannot tell because if we tell you this technique, invoker will be ez to play and OP AF. have a good night...

    Suck my tiny curry dick

      They stay in vhs by being vhs players. Something you are not and will never be.


        you have barely 60% winrate on 25games with under 450gpm average, and you play turbo. you aren't skilled enough simple


          What is so cool about vhs anyway?
          If it is the dick measuring contest just get a devine friend who can kick some ass and play ranked with him: boom -> instant vhs

          I think your problem is that you are focusing on the wrong thing when playing the game. To put it into words, you are trying to gain status without trying to gain skill. Wrong tactic imho.


            You just need to be good(like me) ;)

            love scars / you hurt me

              isn't VHS like 3.8k+ that's still trash-tier lmao just git gud
              although anything but top 100 are scrubs tbh

              flourishing new leaf

                How to upvote NaCl? xd


                  Yo Bitcoin we played together I was Lion you played Invoker

                  Sorry grills, I'm gey ☺

                    Like really how can we upvote NaCl? lul

                    Suck my tiny curry dick

                      My dream is for the real NaCl to notice me and take me under his wing


                        Yea dude this is one of those "hard to hear but true" realities.

                        U said how do they CONSISTENTLY stay at that bracket. The answer is by consistently being better than the other 9 players.
                        not just feeling like they're better, but avtually having studied the game, having more complex thought processes, pregame plans, better macro understanding, and so on.

                        Sure u can try over and over making smurfs to get to "the vhs dream", but it will come naturally. Funny and ironically enough my main acc is banned here so im posting from this. this acc im posting with shows that. I made this to play with my low level friends and started it with " i never played mobas before", i just played my normal game and im party with my friends. I played a casual solo game in it with a random role and hero and it got vhs. (Btw vhs is not actually very high skill by any means)

                        get higher


                          this is my id 25% winrate and feeding( plus point )still vhs :)

                          get higher

                            this is all your gameplay which matters


                              Btw feeling anything about the skill bracket means ur mentality is wrong.

                              You should focus on how you can improve in each game rather than what number or skill bravket u'r at


                                @Tribo, lol yeah I remember you - ggwp

                                /edit, found the game
                                we owned em hard

                                Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                  VHS isn't some mystical unknown thing to achieve. All you need to do is win games. Win more games than you lose, you will be VHS fast.


                                    nah u dont need to win more than lose even. having the thought process and the mechanical skill of a 4k player would get u vhs. "very high skill" :)


                                      I wonder about how do ppl get 7k, but on the other hand i see what they do and thats alot more then i do in my games. =[


                                        haha yea. it's funny cuz if u ask a lot of them they say "just" play. but the way they thought when playing was different than others. there's no way u get good in autopilot state. the least is being conscious in the games u play and always be analysing the game in ur head objectively and strategically


                                          just play good lol


                                            cus ure bad

                                            Livin' Real Good

                                              Have cute anime avatar


                                                Im so bad at this game yet im at vhs


                                                  "I have seen their scores and they have like 10+kills 10+deaths and 15+ assists and (which sucks for me cause its a bad kda ratio) they manage to maintain at VHS whereas I even with very good KDA (except that morph and pa), was deranked to high skill."

                                                  Your focus on KDA raises an interesting question. Is it not possible that having an unusually high KDA could actually be a sign of a couple problems? Maybe there are some risks (team fights) that you aren't taking that you should be for the sake of winning games. Also mid/carry obviously have better KDA than other positions, are there times when biting the bullet and playing a different position might have been the best decision to win the game?


                                                    I'm okay now, I used invoker to get myself back and leshrac to make sure I maintain at VHS bracket. I feel like hero damage and heals are unreliable when increasing your hidden mmr while building damage seems to be the easy way to increase it. Also, Thanks for the replies!


                                                      What's the point of maintaining VHS bracket in turbo matches?


                                                        the thing u'r trying to achieve is not gonna help u either enjoy the game or play better than before at any skil bracket. how much damage and how much heal u do is not comparable to the ability of analytic and strategic thinking, objective gameplay, efficiency at the same time, and etc


                                                          @ScleroCONpoco I played turbo to check what is my current medal bracket, currently im at ancient 2-4 bracket according to my last turbo game. @sia Idk but its what I noticed with my games as leshrac and NOW brewmaster. Currently im on alert because system might put me again to high skill XD. I must not let that happen AGAIN!

                                                          Also I feel proud of myself because this topic still lives HAHAHA! I feel like im popular!

                                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                          Lruce Bee

                                                            yea you're around the edge, thats why you may goto high skill. you need to goto 4k+ to maintain vhs constantly.


                                                              interesting that something, what was created by dotabuff (external webpage) as "NS, HS, VHS" is making people crazy.

                                                              Btw HS, VHS and NS are not based on you, but on the game - if average of all players is over 3.8k, it will be VHS game. If the average MMR is under 3.8k, it will be HS.So some people will end up playing some HS games even at 4k MMR, but some people will experience VHS games even on 3.6k mmr.

                                                              Depends who is active and playing. If there is little number of players on same level or above yours, it will match you with lower.

                                                              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                hmm i wrote 5 comments and none of their context seem to effect ur mentality. gl on ur games is all i have left to say


                                                                  To the OP- KDA means very little. Ability to win games is all that truly matters, making the enemy throne fall is everything.


                                                                    AKA being good


                                                                      @sia well those things that you said were correct and commonly I provide suggestions for the team, always the one thinking of a strategy and most of it were succesful, more like a leader. Some games are lost because players don't follow my suggestions and item recommendations. Perhaps those things that you said actually help in order to get good stats.

                                                                      Now that I play brewmaster I feel like I can always control every teamfights by removing 1 enemy, disable enemy blink dagger, and setting up a kill. I can also get high building damage and heal (vlad) because of him. I can also avoid deaths. Brewmaster seems perfect for me. Now I am able to maintain myself at VHS bracket. Never knew brewmaster would provide so much utility during teamfights.

                                                                      Now that I said it. I feel like my next games will be hard. Red days and bad stats may come for me :(