General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat is your game score give up limit?

What is your game score give up limit? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Is a 10 to 20 kills death disadvantage reasonable? Kindly share your experience. Thanks


      Don't give up till ur ancient is alive cause ppl get cocky and tend to throw many times

      Justinus Lhaksana

        there's a reason why dota 2 didn't have forfeit function


          No giving up. Score is just a number. Anything can happen.


            First blood

            ROAD TO HERALD 0

              > Don't give up!


                depends on drafts
                some drafts are actually dead even, even when 20kill behind


                  Depends on who is dying. If it's our cores vs their supports, it can be even in kills and you are losing by 20k.

                  Usually I call it a day when I see enemy cores are 6slotted while our carry is struggling getting third item and mid has some weird early game build which had no impact.

                  Justinus Lhaksana

                    @Talker How the fuck you play shadow demon jungle?


                      you stack with your 3rd, get like 8 clarities and spam that shit

                      Justinus Lhaksana

                        no shit man this guy use disruption, either dotabuff system messed up showing he's jungling or it's some stupid new technology alien brought to us


                          depends on herocomps but usually after losing 2 sets of rax it's rather hard to comeback, so i might subconciously try less to win the game after that point


                            22-0, the point where i will intentionally feed even if i have 0 death