General Discussion

General DiscussionFor me Lone Druid is OP in the right hands

For me Lone Druid is OP in the right hands in General Discussion

    While the ranged build was not really dead after the removal of the damage talents it mainly fell into irrelevancy compared to the bear build primarily because of the shift in the meta at the time to favor higher burst and heroes that had significantly earlier power spikes in the game. The heroes that fell into both categories happened to be pretty good at dealing with the hero.

    But then dominator buffs.
    At first I noticed a bunch of people picking up dominator on the hero way earlier and while it definitely tried to be a thing in the past I never really was sold on it but I am pretty sure at some point if dominator gets buffed again it is going to be absolutely core on LD (although I guess I might be a bit late but it is more that I never really tried it)

    The as and regen is mediocre honestly but the key is that they shifted a lot of the benefits to an aura rather than soley for the wearer. For LD it basically then pays for itself as you get both the as and regen on each unit (including dominated units obviously)

    The big selling point is that this build is fast
    I have been experimenting with the item and looking at how to fit it in to your other item timings on either build and I have been really impressed with how work it can do.

    As soon as you get level 7 and have your seige creep you can basically have full control of the entire map and have taken most if not all of the towers by about 15-18 minutes. No siege creep? Grab a hellbear as the as aura lets you mow down towers almost as fast.

    Also reminder battle cry (45 second cd) works on the seige unit which is very nice.
    Also because of the as aura and potentially hellbear aura this is the one time where I think it is more than okay to build phase boots as this essentially makes up for the lack of damage talents while having the same attack speed and survivability as you would with treads.

    Conveniently this build is compatable with the bear build if you find that your choice of build may be backfiring in that particular scenario.
    So basically:
    helm -> phase -> standard ranged items
    helm -> phase (on bear) -> standard bear items

    The only exception is if you are playing mid. I would delay helm and instead would have it prefixed by aquila -> phase as you will be shooting for kills earlier than you would be only towers.

    Dominator is really good to pick up early on druid and if you do not play like an idiot this is basically free mmr (39% global wr btw)

    Machado98 #xatubaking

      Can't judge viability but sounds very nice, 2k scrubs will never see it coming
      Always hated the ranged build, never saw the point of picking LD to play ranged, I know it was good, I just didn't like it


        Envy was playing it alot for fnatic with double brown boots into hotd (hero) into relic and/or solar crest.

        The reason(s) this worked really well, is one. Because envy does alot of gimicy shit (unexpected rotations)
        It also enables alot of the heros that 'Abed' is known too play, Meepo/Tinker/Qop/Invoker/Visage Are all heros that benifit significantly from the 'extra' space or the early deathballs.
        If you watch the playstyle of hotd druid, alot of it comes down too 'it doesnt matter if i die' because i'm 1 hero pushing 1 lane and they rotated 3 heros too kill me.

        I do think that druid is essentially a 'poor mans visage', where sometimes it works better, sometimes it works worse, But Yeah it is definitely the build right now.

        The build is very good for controling tempo/map control from a position 2/1.

        Druid doesn't play very well from behind, he's a pretty good hero at 'if you give him some space' will do 'lone druid things' without caring what others will do.
        Issue is he loves too get eaten by OD-Razor and DP which all love to be picked atm.
        i wouldn't say he's tier 1, but he's definately viable and this 'Hotd is the new midas' style of play enables him alot earlier


          Please, every heroes are OP if played in the right hands.... Like IO who has one of the lowest winrate in pub games, but in 7k/pro player's hand, he's OP af, even in competitive matches. Just watch GH's wisp.

          Ten komentarz był edytowany

            Speaking of the devil Liquid just 2nd picked druid vs vgj

            - Mutumba is about too play druid, I can almost guarentee OP is right and he will go dominator first
            2nd pick (


              ^^ there are heros that are always useless. Alchemist for example.

              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                First item no boots sub 5min hotd.


                  why not ... you just play lycan?

                  unless that is offlane ld


                    How about techies?