General Discussion

General DiscussionLife of an Unranked in the SEA Server.

Life of an Unranked in the SEA Server. in General Discussion

    Hello. I'll just inform people about the SEA Server. I'll tell you guys and girls (I'm a guy btw) about how I survive in what is known as the most toxic region of Dota 2. First point: no one, as in NO ONE is ever willing to play support (usually) in pub matches. Now, what do I do? I pick ez supports (since, even as an unranked noobsheet scrub myself, I have good understanding when it comes to the way supports work, such as warding, stacking, pulling, etc.) I do pos 4 Sanking, or pos 4 SB, or if I want an ez hero with great sustainability I pick OgreMagi. I buy the courier (always) and one ward (yes, ONE WARD) for the entirety of the game. Why? Because the enemy line up goes like this: PA, AM, Axe, TriHard carry Crystalis Earthshaker, and 100 GPM Juggernaut. The enemy team literally has no vision, sometimes no courier even, so what to do? Well, I am a good boy, I let my safelane TB or Morphling take the last hits (but take all bounty runes) and buy shadowblade + dagon and win the game. Also, if ever you (yes YOU) are unfortunate enough to be in the SEA server for whatever reason, pick Nyx Assassin. Why? In an unranked pub, no one, NO ONE gets how deadly Carapace is, NO ONE buys a sentry ward, so max Impale and Carapace, gank the mid TriHard Quas Exort 0 Sunstrike hit Injoker, kill him and all chat Putangina Mo.

    La Dz

      Fuck off son its not most toxic server in world eu east is you dont even have so toxic words as we do


        No, it's not really that, it's just that people there don't really understand the game mechanics (even the simple ones). For example, I've seen teammates hit Necronomicon units and get fcced by the pure damage that comes from killing those units. It's just that little things like that make me lose the game; in terms of toxic words I don't mind that since that's true for all servers I think. Also, you'll see players pick heroes just because they have the "nice sets" of those heroes. I've seen a player pick PA, he says "I mid I am Arcana PA" and he did have an arcana, only to be fucct in that lane by a good invoker. Anyways, thanks for your feedback mate (btw the specific country I refer to in the SEA Server is Philippines)


          I got a rampage as crystal maiden because enemy team literally walked to my freezing field so I'm not complaining

          Sea server is the best server

          La Dz

            If they are so bad you can own them on offlane even if your team is 5 carry


              Well, if you pretty much know even just a little about the game, it's true SEA server equals ez server. It's just that, I'm planning to do ranked there someday (bad idea I think). For now, I'll just "enjoy" unranked AP matches.

              La Dz

                I played sea and sa both doesnt seem equal to eu :D even na is total shit


                  I play support all the time


                    I'd like to try playing in EU or other servers sometime. However, I learnt a lesson in SEA: just have a cool head I guess, then your teammates will listen to anything you say (but of course, some people-a lot of people-in SEA-don't really know English all that well,'s a bit of a problem. As someone from that region, I do know the language(s), but it's not a guarantee of them listening to you. Btw, as an unranked player, any tips on how to end the game super fast as an "aspiring good boy support picker"? I don't mind if the tips will come from a fellow unranked player such as I, but of course, I'd like to hear from the ranked peeps as well.

                    Potato Marshal

                      Like 90% of people who say one server is the worst usually plays in the same 1-2 servers for 99% of their games.


                        Normal games in SEA is polluted with retards,idiots, afk-ers, abandoners and brain dead players. Its so rare to find good chem.




                            i think you people from SEA have fucked up genetics and thats why you are almost all dumb and behave like monkeys.Subhumans.Like the arabs i meet on eu west,untalented players.

                            Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                              You are paired with idiot players coz your an idiot yourself.

                              Also, creating smurf account just to stomp new/noob players? How bout playing your main account and grow your skills up with it?

                              If you really think your the best SEA player like your telling us, climb your mmr. If your the best support player, show us how its done and play support.

                              I rest my case.


                                Sea support player here. Cant confirm op post.


                                  No, I never said I was the best SEA player,nor support player, and I don't make smurf accounts. In fact, I would say I am new to the game (I've only been playing for three years, three years is definitely not enough to make me even a decent player [in my opinion]) (To @Ayase, are you referring to me with your comment? Just asking :)) I do have another account, but the same with the one I am using right now, it's unranked. I wouldn't also say I stomp noob players, I am a noob player myself anyways. My point is that, I would like people to at least learn the basics of the game before actually playing matches. Here in SEA, it's a stereotype (no, a fact, that everyone would make mistakes that vary in gravity, like for example placing sentry wards right under allied towers, or casting Earth Spikes or Impales against BKB'ed opponents) That's why, right now, i'm asking for tips on how to play support. I would assume that all of you who replied have way more experience than me, so I'd appreciate it if you would give me some knowledge on how to become a better support player. Btw, I'd love to try your tips at first in normal AP unranked matches before i start ranked. I plan to continue playing support as of now, since it's a position that sits most comfortably with me, I suck at carry. Offlane seems interesting too. Any tips would be fine, from warding, to stacking, to hero counters. As I said, I'm new to the game, so this would help me a lot. Thanks for the feedback! :)

                                  Lruce Bee

                                    Why wouldn't you buy wards.


                                      In an Unranked match, there's barely any need to (this is in my own isolated case in SEA server, at least) since the opposing team do not buy wards at all. However, when I use SB, I like buying wards to spot any escaping low HP enemies to charge at. It's not that I don't buy wards at all,it's just that there's rarely a need. This, of course, is only for (my isolated case, again) Normal Skill Unranked AP Matches. Interestingly, in my matches, there's been a lot of instances in which my teammates or the opposing team buys Sentry Wards way more than Observer Wards, despite the fact that: 1. As mentioned, in SEA server, the region where I play at (Philippines) the opposing team (usually composed of all-carry heroes) do not buy wards (so there's literally nothing to deward) at all and number 2. there is no presence of invis heroes (Riki, BH, Clinkz) or Shadow Blade pick-ups. I'll add a new topic asking for support tips next time.


                                        wew people really seem unhappy with their SEA server


                                          Stop playing unranked.


                                            im bored with discussion like this tbh, just try to be forgiving and enjoy the game, if you cant just mute all player and enjoy it


                                              in ranked u just cant climb mmr unless u are like 6k playing in 2 k skin i climb from 1.5 to 2.5 in a matter of 15 days then i had 4 straight games of feed or mid ( and they went and feed 1-19 sniper , 0-12Pudge etc..)
                                              it get me pissed of so my losing streak goes to 11 ( i should had stopped and take a rest )


                                                Bro sea not that bad i have 3 guardian friend and they understand warding, counter tp, smoke and etc. Just their decision making and mechanical skill held them back. And if you want real game, try ranked.


                                                  SEA doto best doto

                                                  Vũ Hà

                                                    I am a SEA support player here and I have seen 5 supports team.


                                                      every server is cancerous it's just luck and player behaviour