General Discussion

General DiscussionMY 6 MONTH BAN GOT LIFTED!

MY 6 MONTH BAN GOT LIFTED! in General Discussion

    About 2 months ago I made a post about fascist icefrog implementing an unfair ban for expressing freedom of speech. I then sent a message to the corrupt and arrogant steam support stating that if they don't lift my ban I will feed rapiers in smurf accounts until the ban gets lifted. They gave the default letter saying oh you were banned cause of this and that. I wasn't having it and refused to bow down to this evil dictatorship and made dozens of accounts and ruining countless games.

    But finally, my ban got lifted.

    Never give up my comrades, never bow down to this evil!

    Viva la revolucion!


      U have mental issues. You deserve the ban.


        ^hes right :) .Peace bro


          I deserve a ban for expressing freedom of speech? Maybe you deserve a ban from dotabuff for saying I have mental issues. How does that sound?


            well but,everyone already knows most of us have freedom of speech so pointing it out is useless

            also they just made a rule like "if you don't stop trashtalking or international feeding i will ban you"

            that seems a decent and good rule for me and most ppl




                your commitment to being an 4$$ is outstanding...


                  He was recently tought what freedom of speech is, and he came here spouting shit like he has the slightest idea what freedom of speech actually is


                    You clearly don't understand the meaning of freedom of speech and fascism.

                    You are clearly the fascist idiot, that should be permabanned.


                      Thanks for feeding rapiers, it was fun with you


                        I should be able to say whatever I want on dota without any repercussions regardless whether its the real meaning of freedom of speech or not. I was always told by people in dotabuff and the players I play with that "icefrog doesn't care" "your ban won't get lifted" etc... But now icefrog saw what he did wrong and realised that me getting banned wasn't worth the countless games I was ruining and lifted my ban (or at least his subordinates did) thus I proved A LOT of people wrong.

                        Yeah okay I did ruin innocent's players games but it was for the greater good. It wasn't because "hurr durr my team sucks" it was for a political stand point, for all we know other innocent players who got banned for 6 months for something petty are now free. Ruin the lives for 1, to free a hundred.

                        Icefrog is basically Lawful Evil-anyone who is reported is automatically bad and guilty until proven innocent. YEAH AMERICA.
                        Dota community-Lawful Good-obeying icefrog's command without question however brainwashed.
                        Feeders,griefers-Chaotic Evil-self explanatory
                        Me-Chaotic Good. Achieving happiness for everyone through non-conventional means. Any damage caused is for the greater good. Me: Would Lich kill his own creep to get X amount of mana so he can ult and save the game?

                        I don't understand why you are so against me, don't you want the power to say whatever you want without repecussions? Together we can rise against our evil oppressor and play Dota OUR way. Jeez you guys are acting like as if I want the report system completely abolished or something.


                          Yay politics and philosophical discussion!

                          Ok lemme join pls

                          I think IceFrog is just the guy who makes balance patches, it’s valve who implemented the 6 month ban. You have to understand that “saying whatever you want” is your right, yes, but it’s Valve’s game. And they also have the right AND the power to run it as they see fit. And they don’t appreciate toxicity, because let’s be honest, and I’m only going by what you say, you’re pretty toxic man. You admitted yourself that you ruin random (notice how I didn’t use innocent, because some of them are “bad” as well, but some are innocent) players games. Valve is already losing players, and they want what’s best for the game, so what did they come up with? A last resort punishment for offenders. If your freedom of expression is ruining games, flaming and feeding rapiers which let’s agree seems right for you, and your free to do it, but it ruins 4 random peopls game everytime. So valve will ban you for the greater good, let’s say that they did do wrong, but they are preventing further wrongs by you. It’s like Batman not killing the Joker, he lets the Joker live and not kill him but he will eventually go back to his old ways and do more evil. That’s why Valve isnt permabanning accounts, just a point where they deem that nobody wants to play with you anymore.

                          Cancer Malaria

                            freedom of speech is one thing, but freedom of hate is another. dont get confuse now


                              This little boy never learned that freedom of speech doesn't count for hate speech. We should give him a chance to graduate to middle school

                              La Dz

                                I admire you 😃




                                    Congrats for noting me more reason to not play the game!


                                      i hope you get cancer for ruining games


                                        Ugandan pangolier, I understand where you're coming from. But abusing reports remains at large. I'm not saying 6 month reports are bad, the reason is very important. I mean come on, don't tell me you haven't seen PRO players getting 6 month banned. What did they do? Win a minor against their favourite team? And I saw a post earlier about trying to carry useless team members. If I constantly get amazing hero damage, tower damage, kda gpm xpm, etc.... I should be basically immune to reports. (Notice how I didn't just say KDA).

                                        I do appreciate the intentional feeders getting 6 month bans tho.


                                          And me telling teammates to "PLS WARD" "PLS STOP FEEDING" isn't toxic. But thanks for letting me know that valve is the real threat here. Not making half-life 3 is one thing, but becoming an evil dictatorship oh hell nooo hell to the f no. But still Icefrog made the game, has to mean that he agreed with the 6 month thing.


                                            And since it is "valve's game" and they have the power to "run it however they want". What if they decide to exclude people based on race, gender etc..? Is it still "valve's game" then? Cause if yes then free speech shouldn't be a problem either.


                                              But don't worry, as promised I have stopped my rapier feeding long ago because ban got lifted. I'm not a terrorist just a freedom fighter.


                                                "You have mental issues."


                                                  You're actually fucking retarded. That's that.

                                                  Have a nice day.


                                                    How bout this OP, I don’t believe Valve should ban for communication abuse, simply because the mute button exists. It should ban game ruiners and bad teammates. You say you don’t abuse communication, so maybe your ban got lifted cause of that. I’m not gonna argue “right vs wrong” but I’m sure me personally and anyone else in this forum wouldn’t want a game ruiner so expect to receive some hate. But you got what you wanted, mission accomplished, so wp I guess you just ruineda few games by being toxic to prove you are not toxic.


                                                      i'm a neutral evil thanks


                                                        Ugandan Pangolier, I completely agree about valve not ban for comm abuse, that's what I've been saying in my post 2 months ago. But people are like "HURR DURR I DONT CARE IF U WENT 20-2, DONT HURT PEOPLE'S FEELINGS CUZ THEY SUCK". I guess that's just the world we live in :/


                                                          I feel like from the middle of last year you must have had some major issues going on in your personal life which meant that you took it out in your dota playing by throwing games. Whatever it is I hope you can work through it.

                                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                            Middle of last year? That's very specific, and I would never feed the enemy out of rage or personal problems or because my teammate stole my lane. But I believe if you're doing it for a political standpoint which stands for pro-freedom protest then I guess it's justified. Innocent player's games would be ruined yes, but for the greater good and not for any poor reason.

                                                            "Victory can not be achieved without sacrifice"- Victor Reznov (Call of duty black ops 1)

                                                            Viva la revolucion!

                                                            Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                              *For your greater good, because let’s face it,and noone here will care if 1 toxic player gets banned. And you did a “wrong” thing (feeding rapiers) for YOUR “right” cause.


                                                                i'm a neutral evillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll


                                                                  Our "right" cause, if it was my right then I would be the only player on dota who would have freedom of speech. They may not care about bans, but when they get banned for FoS then they will care, and by then it's too late.

                                                                  Viva la revolucion!


                                                                    Feachairu what do you mean by neutral evil? what do you do?


                                                                      I doubt it was even because of your feeding rapiers that it was lifted, after you said reports were abused on you valve probably took a look at some of your games and lifted it if it’s true that you are not toxic and was abused.

                                                                      Lruce Bee

                                                                        Lol. What are you, 12? You hAve such a warped understanding of the freedoms and rights you have for a gAme.


                                                                          HanYolo, its not about the game at all. This issue can literally be applied anywhere. Real life, conventions, forums, etc... But people think just because I'm not in public and instead playing a video game my rights to freedom of speech are suddenly revoked just because the game is made by a private company.


                                                                            Ugandan Pangolier, I see your point but I did threaten to feed rapiers if they didn't lift the ban in the letter. Why would they ignore it?


                                                                              Feed rapier,still questioning why he got banned smh


                                                                                You complaining they doesn't do justice to you but yet you still playing in THEIR game.If u hate it so much just uninstall it.No need to whine about the toxicity that have you actually done like a autistic toddler.


                                                                                  Rogue, you've completely missed the point and doubt you read anything. I was banned for expressing freedom of speech, not feeding rapiers. Never said I hated the game, just didn't like the developer because of their fascist rules. Don't you want the power to say whatever you want without any consequences? If not you're only hurting yourself. Might as well throw out all of your other human rights while you're at it.


                                                                                    Viva la revolucion!




                                                                                        why not accept the temporary ban and try being less toxic.. Viva la revolucion???


                                                                                          Ok you want to say anything you want, but understand that Valve has the right to ban you because DOTA is Valves property. You didn’t pay to play either sonplay by their rules, and I say their rules are pretty damn reasonable really. Imagine this,Go into an arcade and call everyone a ni66er f4g and say they suck, you can’t be surprised you got kicked out. You could have said it yes, they also didn’t want you there.


                                                                                            Here's a real life tip for you, that will help a lot.

                                                                                            it's very simple.

                                                                                            Clean your room.

                                                                                            If you want to solve complex problems start with easy ones first.

                                                                                            Your atempting to solve something bigger than yourself.
                                                                                            You have no knowledge about any of it.

                                                                                            You woulndt try repair a Attack helicopter would you ?

                                                                                            its to much for you, You will just mess it up. For sure.

                                                                                            So again start with something you can actually change.

                                                                                            Clean your room.

                                                                                            Fix your self before you start talking about changing the world.


                                                                                              Freedom of speech is to be respected by gourvernment and its respective institutions, less so by a private company. They own the game. If Valve doesn't want you to play the game for whatever reason they have deployed, they can just ban you.

                                                                                              Optimus Drip

                                                                                                You are delusional.


                                                                                                  You think we will believe you? Go create smurfs and feed rapiers Valve could care less.


                                                                                                    Believe what? I think you mean valve COULDN'T care less, otherwise it implies that they care. Which they do. Hence the fascist report system.

                                                                                                    Viva la revolucion!


                                                                                                      Disastrous Captain, well then its not really freedom of speech then is it?

                                                                                                      Lets do Science

                                                                                                        A company has no obligation to give you freedom of speech, only the government. Look man we get it, you just learned you're allowed to say things and people can't stop you from saying them. That doesn't mean they won't throw you out for being a jerk.