General Discussion

General DiscussionUrsa

Ursa in General Discussion

    So as the top 3 cores right now are gyro jugg and ls, why is ursa not more popular, He rapes all 3.


      NO AOE.
      LS has crazy evasion. Talent + Radiance + Solar Creat and a natural
      BKB carrier.

      He dominate in pub mainly due to overextending and feeding him.

      Pubs don't ward enough and give him free Rosh access

      not enuf detection and get stomped by Shadowblade Ursa

      not enough disables

      underestimate the power of Ghost Scepters?

      the last time i saw in pro game was use by LFY against LS thou. But it was extremely coordinated game. they have omni if i remember correctly. equipped with MKB, Desolator plus the repel and Guardian... it was really nice to see how pro players coordinate every gank and team fight but in pub difficult its pretty difficult. my thought they practice that kind of strategy.

      Ten komentarz był edytowany

        doesnt farm for shit
        getting kited -simulator

        Cheap Laugh Guy

          His base damage is nerfed so low for a melee hero too :(

          Potato Marshal

            Shit carry, like the easiest to kite hero in the game and scales terribly late game

            Can't Buy Culture

              hes a snowball hero. if good start he owns, if bad early game he's a rough hero to play

              Lruce Bee

                How does ursa directly counter any of them?

                Lruce Bee

                  Ursa is slow af


                    ursa is more like keep the advantage early to mid game .... late depends on another carry

                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                      I think ursa rapes any non Illusion Core hero even in 120 min game if your Team got enough control.

                      Potato Marshal

                        Once you get his ult of the way, most carries can outtrade and outdisable him after 120 minutes

                        Ten komentarz był edytowany

                          As said before the hero doesn’t farm well, and if the enemy team has a brain they will kite you then kill you.

                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                            Countering one hero is not necessarily relevant if you are shit against the other 4

                            Lruce Bee

                              I think ursa rapes any non Illusion Core hero even in 120 min game if your Team got enough control.


                              👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                after 120 minutes

                                Your whole sentence is irrelevant now

                                Potato Marshal

                                  Meant to be a response to the previous post, but most carries do outcarry ursa even after the 30 minute mark. You bait out enrage or kite him during its duration and Ursa's pretty fucked.

                                  👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                    30 minutes is more reasonable estimation


                                      Wow nice thoughts