General Discussion

General DiscussionA Dota Story: Leaving the 2k Rut

A Dota Story: Leaving the 2k Rut in General Discussion

    So. I got sick. Couldn't do much but play dota and so I think to myself 'I've been playing around the 2.5k - 3k mmr mark for about 18 months, once even dropped to 2100. Why am I so crap?'

    So I'm thinking, and I look at my match history and some replays - and I realise, I haven't been trying to win games. I've been trying to farm my items, I've been trying to kill heroes, I've been trying to do all this stuff, but it's all about how *my* game is going, not how *the* game is going.

    So I decided to forget farm and rampages and try to win games of Dota.

    My experience ditching 2k:

    Step One: Roam. If I win my lane, I can still get screwed if my team loses their lanes. How about I just win ALL the lanes. Then it doesn't matter if the Luna in my safe lane can't last hit, they can still push R in the coming team fight.

    Step Two: Buy da wards. Buy da smoke. Buy da dust. If you do these things, people will let you use them. If I've worked out who needs to die, turned up in lane and brought all the crap needed to kill them - my teammates will generally listen. Turns out they like winning to. Be the guy (or gal because we aint racist here) who gets the little stuff done. If you've missed one kill on the enemy Invoker because you didn't have dust - next time if there isn't a dust, it's YOUR fault. Doesn't matter if you're a Chaos Knight. It's your fault, because you're trying to win - and YOU knew that you'd be needing dust.

    Step Three: Be Dr Phil. I get tilted. I throw. I used to iron talon lvl 1 anti mage when I was bored. I am the reason Valve got rid of it. The point is, if I can be Captain Tilt, so can everyone else. So I've got to play the couples councillor for my raging Shadow Shaman and his on-the-spectrum Life Stealer. I've got to tell my offlane Bristle Back that he's doing a good job even when he just got solo killed by CM with 5 iron wood branches. Because everyone in Dota screws up. And if my team doesn't get tilted, then eventually the other team will.
    Unless they have some Oprah team captain doing the same crap I'm doing. In which case, kill them relentlessly so their team will turn on them.

    Step Four: Think about how the TEAM is doing. It doesn't matter if I'm on a 5 kill streak with my tusk if their Terror Blade is getting farmed and our only counter has died three times in the lane. It won't be their fault that we lose the game, it will be MY fault if I don't use my lead to help them recover. When I talk to the team I talk about what WE need. 'We really need a physical build on our gyro this game' - instead of 'why the actual f*** do you have ethereal blade in your quick buy'?. Make their decisions the TEAM's decisions. Make their mistakes YOUR mistakes. When my mid dies farming behind their bloody fountain I go with: 'We need to be a bit safer with where we farm our Shadow Fiend, Imma get some vision down in our jungle'.

    My story is a green match history and a huge increase in enjoyment of the game. I learnt to play Tusk and have a pretty sweet 74% win rate off 30ish games in the last week. Even when I lose I feel better about the game, because I understood what was wrong and did my best to turn it around while it was happening. I feel like attitude has made more difference to my game than any one hero or item build ever could.

    But if all the 2k and 3k scrubs out there could not try all this, so I can keep climbing, that would be nice thanks.


      I teared.


        What about leaving 1k? It's impossible



          chicken spook,,,,

            finally some non cringy 2k testimony


              Sounds like you will be a very good captain in the team. Very nice insight.

              Bill Cutting

                My brother is not even that good (3k) and he climbed out of 1k so easily playing storm on over 200 ping

                So I don’t think that’s true

                Ten komentarz był edytowany

                  Never been in 1k so no idea XD

         ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

                    Most Aussie's are nice.

                    Kapitan Timba

                      me too. its all about the will to win. i cant really do anything about ragers who afk farms.

                      i used to be crusader 3 now im archon 5

                      30 YEAR OLD DOTA VETERAN

                        Your climbing is long and so many requirements. Fastest way is to push and destroy enemy ancient and thats it. Heroes that can fight backdoor protection is best pick because if theres teamfight 2k dogs no longer care about there base and just wanted to join fights.


                          Good mindset. Keep going.

                          Your right in everything. As long as your not a 5k smurf playing mid its better to help and communicate with your team instead of doing solo action.


                            Very inspirational bro, he fact that you supported 2k mmr tards without problems is cool by itself.(here am I struggling to support 5k retards)

                            Brother.Teresa ^aka^ OldS...

                              this is the hero everyone needs but nobody deserves


                                This is the player who make 30min game to 20 min game

                                michael sassbender

                                  this. I changed my attitude from "kills = win" to actually wanting to win, and doing whatever is necessary to get the win, and i climbed from 2.7k to 5.2k in like 6 months (after playing HoN/dota at ~2k for almost 5 years). i guess figuring out the 'whats necessary to win' part determines how high you climb, but the attitude change got me to 5k for sure.


                                    ^that's very impressive. 6 months? did u play like 10 games a day?
                                    unrelated question, but do u struggle socially, maybe have some latent undiagnosed autism? completely serious.

                                    michael sassbender

                                      @HanYolo nope, played like 2-3 games a day cause i was busy with uni stuff. probably more on weekends tho. i'd say im reasonably introverted but i don't think i struggle socially lol

                                      chicken spook,,,,

                                        This is the player who make 30min game to 20 min game

                                        I do that too you know
                                        I make 30 min win into 20 min loss 😎