General Discussion

General DiscussionBatrider tips?

Batrider tips? in General Discussion

    Ive decided to add batrider to my hero pool.
    I know the general gist of gameplay from watching streams and whatnot, was wondering if maybe someone has anything else to share.
    One thing im particularly interested in is how to approach midgame if the team doesnt want to fight: should i try to push lanes/farm jungle or try to go for pickoffs on supports?
    You can see my last two matches as reference, though i probably played far from good.
    Any help is appreciated!


      Stack camps and take them with Firefly


        Bat is pretty shit right now.
        There's a billion other initiator who do the job better.


          i dont think there are a lot of heroes that can do well in lane and then have a somewhat reliable single target disposition spell.
          its not like bat is the strongest hero rn, but i think hes good enough

          👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

            "somewhat reliable"? You understand that you're talking about flaming lasso right? Probably the single most reliable pickoff skill in the game

            Ten komentarz był edytowany

              well techically there are ways to play around it but yeah, his initiation (with lasso) is pretty nice

              Yapulal Zorjeet

                not the best hero to learn atm, bat can be extremely strong but you have to pick him very late into the draft to make him work well, particularly after you see their safelane heroes


                  i see, afaik heroes like jugg and lifestealer hardcounter his laning stage, makes sense


                    ^slark, and pl too
                    If the carry has an early dispel he is good against you

                    Imo you have to pick him after they pick something like tb or lycan or ideally Spectre or some other carry like that, ideally without a mobility spell who can't dispel napalm


                      look at khezu's past broadcasts, i remember him having one or two bat games there and he talks a lot about what he's doing


                        ^highly recommend khezu


                          yeah i like his streams, thanks for the suggestion


                            Stomp lane if you can, stack camps if you can’t, midgame look to disposition the best target you can. Don’t underestimate his damage output but don’t overestimate ut either. Build meme hammer

                            Ser Lactose De Intolerant

                              1. Enemy safelaners will always buy wand when laning against batrider, mitigate that effect when spamming by casting your sticky napalm from the fog. E.g, Run behind tree, cast napalm, come out to harrass/last hit, repeat.

                              2. Common mistake would be to rush blink. nothing wrong with that, but there are many situations when drums would be a better choice. more stats, survivability and you can contribute to team fights and ganks outside of your lasso CD.
                              Best way to decide what to get what first (with various factors), would be to ask yourself what your team needs. if your team is ahead, get drums. If your team is behind and you are losing your lane, get dagger and help other lanes.

                              3. Stack, stack and stack. with that said, DO not abandon your lane unless you are doing absolutely nothing but to feed. Its important you pressure the enemy carry. sticky napalm fucks up their last hits.

                              4. Playing as a batrider means the enemy supports will very seldom stack the neutral camp near the safelane. If they do, get a ward and contest it when the carry goes for it, request that your team pressure other areas of the map so that you get a favourable match up 1v1 against the enemy carry.

                              5. BLOCK safelane camps from pulling, either with a ward or with your body.

                              6. Batrider is an amazing laner but he fucking sucks if the enemy picks their heroes properly to counter you, e.g Juggernaut. Slark can be a counter but its more of a double edge sword.

                              7. if you are up against a trilane, especially against oracle/juggernaut. prepare to lose your lane. Do not call GG though, as long as you make your presence felt in the offlane and prevent their supports from rotating, you have already done your job as an offlaner.

                              8. smart players will create double waves whenever possible to push their creeps towards your tower. Batrider fucking sucks last hitting under towers. If you have an inkling of what they may be trying to do, go on the offensive, napalm, firefly, the works. kill the huge creep wave before it reaches your tower. make sure to do so when the wave is near your tower. do not do it when the wave is still near their tower as the creep equilibrium will get fucked. this method is very advance and there are alot of factors in play, if you do it at the wrong moment, you'll end up feeding or messing up the equilibrium.

                              9. This is a no brainer but Fog is an extremely important mechanic in dota. Even more so for Batrider players. You have superior night vision, use it to your advantage. When fireflying and scouting on a plain ground, always make sure you are doing it in between trees. Don't burn all the trees, understanding the fog is the difference between a good team fight and a bad team fight.

                              10. If you are doing well and contesting against a trilane, consider getting an early level in molotov. it can save you or even guarantee you a kill.