General Discussion

General DiscussionPlayers above my skill level

Players above my skill level in General Discussion
Palmen aus Plastik

    What is one tip you can give me to get better at the game? Just straight and to the point.

    one syllable anglo-saxon

      play better

      Bill Cutting

        Why are u abandoning so many games

        Palmen aus Plastik

          these last few days my internet has been acting up. I never intentionally abandon. Even in games with intentional feeders.

          Palmen aus Plastik

            ^^what you gave me was the outcome. I need tips to reach that outcome. Any help with that? A short pointer, not even asking you to write a full sentence.

            one syllable anglo-saxon

              dude wtf what pointers just play better LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL 4House

              Palmen aus Plastik

                i see. thank you for your insight.


                  1. Don't fall for support kills if there is 3+ enemy heroes alive, there is 4 creeps that will give more gold than a support kill.
                  2. I see you play SF alot, and even at 3k games you're dying 3+ times a game, that is a big problem. There is a few tips from me, top 3000 SF player opendota (LUL): Never, i mean, NEVER waste Euls+ULT to a non-core hero like 3,4,5 pos. ONLY do combo to a CORE hero to stop they farm. Do a combo, farm lane, farm jungle, ult cooldown ended, combo again. Tip2: While staying mid, ALWAYS watch minimap. I did myself an option in settings named "Large minimap size". If 1-2 enemy support hero are not showing at the lane, you should stay only your highground, be VERY VERY careful. It will not stop your farm, and prevent you from getting killed. This is so so important. Tip3: Be an agressive midlaner as SF. As you get level 3 razes, do W and E raze to an enemy midlaner, don't be greedy, it's only 180 mana, then get yoursefl 1-2 clarity early game. As sf, at lvl5 you can zone out pretty much every mid hero in DotA.
                  4. Stay positive. Play for yourself. Then you'll find yourself improving alot. Watch your replays. Watch yourself dying between tier1-2 tower and say: i will never do that ever again.
                  Sorry for my english, im russian btw Xd

                  Ten komentarz był edytowany

                    mini tip: my avg action-per-minute on sf is 400. it really helps you get in that zone mode, if you click alot and fast

                    Palmen aus Plastik

                      my friend. you're a godsend. Thank you. I will commit all this to memory.


                        Try not to feed


                          Tread switch for style points


                            48% winrate smurf, boasting about top 2000 opendota SF and 400 APM

                            OMEGALUL ULTRA4HEAD


                              ^hope you had a good one :^)

                              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                Also, if you improve really fast and you have enough time: play 8+games per day. Do 2 games, do a break, check youtube, listen to some music, watch anime nvm what you do, then play more. You should always feel good before playing, like be fed up, clear minded~ More you play in that mood > more you learning.

                                Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                  I see you play invoker. Then i recommend you to play invoker every game. Get yourself 1-2 heroes like Shadow Fiend and QOP, that you will pick if Invo gets banned.

                                  Palmen aus Plastik

                                    yes. that is exactly what i'm doing. Focusing on a 3-hero pool at the moment. Thanks again, man.


                                      try focusing on a 3 hero pool that excludes heroes you suck at (sf) LUL

                                      Potato Marshal

                                        90% core :sick:

                                        Story Time

                                          spam 3 heros, use breaks between matches for push ups, drink sour lemonade when playing. Cybersport has the word sport not for nothing


                                            No don't listen to this guy^ he spams only 1 hero but hasn't reached Divine yet.(He's also mean, really mean)
                                            You gotta spam 5 heroes

                                            Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                              no respect to omni spammers especially


                                                I don't spam omni sir

                                                Solo Leveling

                                                  One quick tip that has been helping me start games better is use the last hit training while you are searching, you go into game warmed up rather than rusty


                                                    A guardian giving advice to a Legend player ^ 😃😂🤔 LMAO

                                                    Story Time

                                                      activating babyrage xD


                                                        I SAID, I DON'T SPAM OMNI

                                                        Ysa: Supp is Life

                                                          be alert, be aware, be calm dont panic especially during clashes, reduce avoidable mistakes, adjust what team needs, furthermore use BRAIN.


                                                            What works for me is I play until I lose a game, and if I lose a game, I take a 15-30 minute break where I clear my head. Never go into a game without a clear mind.


                                                              i agree with this guy up above me

                                                              can you give us where you feeling problem at tho,so can give better advices

                                                              Palmen aus Plastik

                                                                i don't know man....I don't know how to solo carry games as a mid player. I dominate all of midgame but still rely on one other good carry to see me through to the win. If i dont get that one good carry player, I lose. Thats why I'm stuck at 3k i guess. The fact that I'm not 4k means I'm not that much better than 3k players, which is why I was hoping for any random tips which might help. The replies did or will help, I'm sure. Thanks a lot all of you.

                                                                死の恐怖 Haseo

                                                                  play more

                                                                  casual gamer

                                                                    pay attention to enemy skill usage and cd during fights

                                                                    u should be able to count down until a second blink, storm hammer, burrowstrike, wraithfire..

                                                                    u can play fights as smart as u have brain space to think


                                                                      go watch youtube tutorial, most of you think you are good, but you really are lacking basics.