General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy Can't I??

Why Can't I?? in General Discussion

    HOW DOes a booster boost mmr??? AND why Cant i boost my mmr what is he doing that i am not what are the secrets ??????? why is he a booster and i am not why cant i just win like i used to ? why do i still lose with PMA ? what do they do that i can't? somebody help me tell me plz


      u die too much imbecil.. how tf you are ancient?



        casual gamer

          boosters are good and you are not

          there is no secret


            like holy shit most of the secret before divine is already out there on the internet, just look it up.

            Yung Beethoven

              lol thats because those ppl are 6-7k while you are probably about 3.5k

              Thats a almost 3k MMR difference. what do you expect?

              Lruce Bee

                Check your skill


                  D3stroi th3 EneMy 4nc1ent