General Discussion

General DiscussionAbout storm spirit

About storm spirit in General Discussion
Justin Weaver

    How would a six slotted storm would look like? I was really confused whether to get rid of Kaya in the late game or not? Suggestions?

    Potato Marshal

      Boots, hex, bloodthorn, bloodstone, shiva's, linkens/bkb in most cases. You sell your kaya if your slots are full, it's your cheapest item (barring treads), and you can afford another item. But that's not going to happen in most games.

      주 롄양

        u shud remove boots if u have alot of gold


          Kaya would go first if youre fully slotted

          Smth like bloodstone, bloodthorn, travels, then 3 more out of bkb, euls/lotus, shiva's, linkens, hex.
          I can see some items like ac mkb or mjollnir MAYBE 1/100 games.


            Bloodstone is useless on Storm, he needs int + mp regen + some aa damage and not manapool, did you even read what his ulti do?

            6 slot Storm build is = BoT + Bloodthorn + Hex + Aghanim + Linken/BKB + MKB/Buriza/Shiva + Refresher and Veil in stash
            All other builds featuring: Bloodstone, Kaya (as late game item), Octarine Core, Dagon, don't stand a chance in late


              mp regen

              um correct me if im wrong but doesnt bloodstone give M A N A R E G E N
              at least be consistent with the shitposts


                Every game is different, i often skip kaya entirely. Just that bloodstone is every game thing, the rest depends on game. You could have lotus, shiva, ac, mjollnir, hex, nullifier, bloodthorn, eul, aghs, bkb, linken, travel boots or a damn aegis.

                Ten komentarz był edytowany

                  i forgot abt nullifier
                  and aghs

                  Justin Weaver

                    Thanks for the answers guys,

                    #1 Philippine player

                      Dagon is really good for early burst on tanky heroes since you don't have enough mana to kill a tank hero early.


                        Bloodstone is core even till late game because you want to be snowballing ideally with like 20 charges giving you insane regen. Which is quite important on storm.


                          Dagon is really good for early burst on tanky heroes since you don't have enough mana to kill a tank hero early.
                          Pls dont do that


                            Bloodstone is useless on Storm, he needs int + mp regen + some aa damage and not manapool, did you even read what his ulti do?

                            he doesnt need mana pool or int, he needs regen on mana and that exclusively!! so bloodstone gives the most manareg and thats why you cannot skip that item. bloodstine with 15 charges>hex+orchid

                            furthermore you need items to be a thread. so hex/orchid are solid offensive options (jump the backlines) and some defensive options since you dont want to be locked down (linkens/bkb/euls, silences are your worst enemy). I really like the aghanims if your team has nice follow up

                            Ten komentarz był edytowany
                            Potato Marshal

                              Is this some kind of bloodstone injoke I'm not getting here?


                                ^someone said bloodstone is not good on storm :-D

                                Potato Marshal

                                  K, just making sure


                                    8 sloted storm is better, with bkb and bottle in backpack and use them when needed.