General Discussion

General DiscussionCant win anymore... does it happen to you also?

Cant win anymore... does it happen to you also? in General Discussion

    Yes my herald cousin with the famous 5 solo mmr decided that he’s done being held back by his fellow herald peeps so he went and bought an accOunt of 3.5 k solo and now he’s enjoying low priority and endless losing streaks

    Ten komentarz był edytowany

      how come your legend 5 account is in ranked normal skill??


        @dawn do u have link to the a/c?


          Harold account

          Bought account

          He turned off match history after i started trolling him but to my surprise now i just realized he’s back on his 5 mmr account must have given up


            lol tell me why if i had an account legend 5 ( whatever if you think purchased or not lol),, what would be the reason to buy another account legend 2?? i cannot understand your theory... please tell me...

            Secondly, dont u ever change hero?? I want to kind of specialize in having 5-6 different offlaners and support.. position 3/4/5.. can i play void support? The last match i played with void we were ?? dont u see games even before with void 1/7 or 0/3 or 3/6?? when u play a core u close the all the game 20 2?? i dont think so, especially looking at the KDA of positive mental attitude... look i also have a 0 8 medusa....ohhh yeah sure that was me and the others game my clone... lol


              well a lot of legends are normal skill.. lol

              My mmr solo is around 3k, the group mmr around 4k.. u wanna know why? because i play often with 2 friends archont 2 and 5 and playin as 3 we eliminate the possibility to have idiots in the team and we get a win rate around 65/70 %....


                dawn as matter of fact he enjoyes low priority i dont :D i still play ranked as you can see my kda undying, kunkka, wd and tide are pretty fine lol...


                  I see. So your medal is party posted but your solo is around 3k?


                    yes basically shows the highest value the party mmr... unfortunately for the SOLO for me is too hard bcs either i play position 3 4 5 and place sentry and wards everywhere like it is supposed to be...or rarely i find good support...last match with void spent more than 1k in wards... won the lane, the only tower taken got my farm boots, madness and half fury in 12 minutes..after they had wards everywhere no suppor no dewarding and got raped..3/ chrones wasted bcs of no vision and thinkin do gank one/two and they were all there...

                    you ask me why picked void as one of the first?? otherwise no one picks and u waste ask me why did i stop playing void?? bcs if i have to pick within the first 2 i got countered with pudge, silencer, sky and so on..

                    It s a team game and if people doesnt respect their roles everything is screwed.. it s like going for a footbal match and all of sudden the goal keeper decides to play as striker... yeah if u play with people much weaker than u, you can somehow win otherwise u loose!!!

                    that s all if u think i m an ccount buyer i dont really care :D


                      and of course if i play with 2 friends this doesnt happen... you can say "u can win alone bla bla bla" but u dont win alone with ppl at ur level no way...miracle would win alone at my level, yes sure... if I play at herald or guardian level i win alone and even though i dont play mid or carry i break them ....