General Discussion

General DiscussionTips on playing mid?

Tips on playing mid? in General Discussion
Jesus Is King

    I am a terrible mid player, so I have created this acc to practice mid-lane, and with heroes such as shadow fiend and invoker, however, I have no clue on when certain mid laners have a power spike, as well as abuse certain mechanics that you usually wont do in other lanes. Any tips?


      This helped me become a decent OD

      Also this is helpful

      However I am a noob so ask experts here. They are ready to help us all :)

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      Machado98 #xatubaking

        Not a great midlaner myself but I would recomend you to practice with the last hit trainer, really pay attention to the ranged creeps (securing lh and deny yours), learn to draw the aggro, get the ">Requesting a gank." phrase in chat wheel, it works wonders in low mmr or teams with different languages. Buy your wards and sentries (if at low mmr) if you need. Ask for tangoes but dont get items before you know if you are getting some or no. For example: DONT buy wraith band, gg branch and fairy fire on SF and then ask for tangos. DO buy just the wraith band, then ask for tangoes and build accordingly. These tips aren't really "midlane tips" but more of improvements in your quality of life in dota, specially in lower mmrs.


          fap to replays of miracle/reso/arteezy from their perspective on the respective heroes that you want to practice, try to implement the general mechanics they abuse, dont just blindly copy-paste their item builds. Try to figure out why they went for that item/item build instead of other alternatives.
          ex. i'm playing death prophet and the enemy has a storm spirit. our team lacks disables, so after my core items i should go for a rod of atos so i can just catch him if hes out of position. (not the best example but yea should give you a picture)

          maybe some divine 5 player can comment on this though. or hell, cookie himself

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