General Discussion

General DiscussionLycan Control Groups

Lycan Control Groups in General Discussion

    Been playing this hero past couple of weeks.

    Control 1 - My Hero
    Control 2 - Courier
    Control 3 - Wolves
    Control 4 - All Units (Wolves + Necro + Dominated Creep) except Lycan
    Control 5 - All Units (Wolves + Necro + Dominated Creep) + Lycan
    Control 6 - Dominated Creep

    But during mid-game, late-game.. whenever I need to dominate a new creep..
    I always find myself re-assigning the control groups - by casting all of them way early, prior to an engagement.
    So far it only costed me maybe a couple or 3 fights where my Necros are on cd.

    When I don't have such time and the clashes are haywire, I just select all units in the screen:
    - Just Tab through them
    - Or quickly assign Control 5 + De-Select my Hero + then assign Control 4

    Control 3 Wolves is also great as they can be used for scouting during mid to late game.
    - You can be more efficient w/ them by having them go to one area + de-select 1 wolf and move it to another area

    How about you? How do you manage the grouping?

    What is most efficient way of doing it?


      caplock point click ancient

      Totentanz to The King: M ...

        you dont need control groups for just hero and courier. use f1 for hero and w/e button you want for courier (in the settings). i generally use 1 for all unints, and then extras for whatever i need. you dont need a control group for everything, it will just confuse you. i tend to not use them unless the unit has an active ability.


          ^ I'm still using legacy and I got so used to it since Dota 1 days.

          Most of the time during clash, I just use Control 5 right click enemy -> Tab to my Necro book --> purge and just right click

          There will be times when I want my units to continue attacking, while I then just solo select my hero to maneuver properly in the team fights (i.e. dodging chrono, dodging hook.. etc)

          Cheesy Wenis

            For me:

            1 or Spacebar = Lycan
            2 = Wolves
            3 = HoTD creep
            4 = Necronomicon minions, archer is always the first in this group so I can quickly cast the archer's Purge
            5 = HoTD summons such as Dark Troll's skeletons
            6 = Illusion rune
            0 = Birdnado

            F1 = Select everything non-Lycan
            F2 = Courier

            If I want EVERYBODY to attack, I just use Ctrl + Right Click.

            Ten komentarz był edytowany

              I'm no micro master that amount of control groups is completely unnecessary. I usually just use the 2 side buttons on my mouse. 1 for the hero the other one for all other units. If you need a hotkey for dominated creep or ranged necro creep then assign a special hotkey for them only. Or you can just click them or tab between them . 99% of the time you're gonna be moving all your non-hero units together anyway.


                You just set 2-4 ctrl groups and click using the mouse to use creeps like chen

                < blank >

                  I would really like to see how normal skill player can manage to have good timings while having 8 hotkeys for groups.

                  Its just like playing Chen like Abyss Watchers said.

                  1 - Main hero
                  2 - all other units
                  3 - all units
                  4 - courier

                  Simple as that. You dont need to micro those creeps as much as u need while playing Chen. You have only 1-2 creeps with active abilities. 1 from Necro and the other one dominated (but it can be just a wolf with crit aura - making it only 1 to use spell). If you played any RTS game in the past you will have no difficulties in selecting specific creep manually or TABing between them.

                  Cheesy Wenis

                    I'm an RTS player, it's fun to micro lots of stuff.


                      I'm pretty sure u only need one for the Archer and ur neutral creep