General Discussion

General Discussionwhat to ban ?

what to ban ? in General Discussion

    what to ban if im going to pick
    drow - 1
    what to pick - 2
    ench - 3
    clock - 4
    shaman - 5

    elp !!
    ps. i always ban tinker, so i just need 5 other ban suggestions


      I think you need mid game heroes like QoP/Storm/DK,SF those have good level 6 ultimates that can snowball at midgame. when clock hits 6 (successful gank) with shaman, plus drow aura you can push lanes very easily with aura from ench if pet build.

      your banned will be: Tinker, PL, CK, earthshaker, Elder Titan.

      i feel that your hero line ups are very squeesy...DK might be a good choice

      Machado98 #xatubaking

        5 more ban suggestions so all your team can ban and you kindly ask the other captain to ban another one
        joking, can't help you man, I suck


          hmmm... DK is actually so good here, im gonna give it a try tonight in a lobby 5v5 with my friends
          if i pick storm then its gonna be a dual lane with clock right ? hmmm... seems good


            I would first ban brew pango(if its cm mode ban doom) then maybe then you can ban tinker. Idk if you are running drow lineup its possible that your mid is super greedy and you dont want to play against brew in that regard


              too bad im the only one that can play lot of heroes lol, my friends will not pick brew for sure, none of them can micro well, yea maybe doom is a good ban too


                Ban strong depushers and nukers. So I would ban:

                1) Tinker - very annoying and a stron nuker
                2) Sniper - gets rif of ss ult pretty ez and can snip drow from distance
                3) PL - you cant deal with him with your strat
                4) Kotl - very annoying
                5) Zeus - you also need to ban nukers which counter Ench pretty hard

                I think DK here is an ideal pick. You need someone that doesnt need much to come online and he benefits from drow aura in his dragon form. Sf is also fine but then your only frontlining hero will be clock.


                  i would ban sb and other heroes that are going to be able to get on top of your heroes i would suggest maybe viper as your mid though dk is probably better.


                    I'd pick mid SF because clock can feed him cog souls. Early extra souls + drow aura = OP, though SF was nerfed recently. Otherwise, any ranged mid will do, depending on the enemy team. Storm or DK would be the other two picks though.

                    Sniper (too good vs. Shaman and outranges either Drow or your mid or Ench unless you pick Storm)
                    PL (Drow really doesn't want to go Tesla ranger and it doesn't even really counter PL)
                    Lycan (won't lose lane to Ench and facerushes too well, generally OP in this meta and can push solo as hard as your whole team)

                    I actually wouldn't ban Tinker. You have clock and potentially storm mid.

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                      in that lineup you need some frontliner. i guess dk is really good (super tanky, is ranged) or sf with blink and bkb.

                      for bans: bristleback (he will run over your lineup), dp (has good depush, strong laner) and kotl (no one goes hg vs kotl without pipe/mek)
                      also consider banning winter wyvern, she can hold pushes and depush very good


                        U could pick sf or dusa mid. I would ban counters to drow and dusa and depushers. So sniper tinker kotl ck pa am(if picking dusa)


                          Death Prophet might be ok depending on matchup, somewhat fulfills a similar role to DK, damage dealer that's hard to ignore, but also pretty tanky, pushes well, etc.
                          Tho ofc she hasn't been that good in recent patches.
                          Ban as many nukers as you can. Your suggested lineup is so susceptible to getting blown up

                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                            ban chaos knight, dragon knight (if you dont wanna pick it), omniknight, underlord, winter wyvern


                              ban Tusk if you play Drow. Tusk is kind of good again and absolutely shits on Drow.

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