General Discussion

General DiscussionDank willow spammers

Dank willow spammers in General Discussion

    So it has come to my attention again that this hero is still in the 'batshitcrazyneeds400nerfs' catagory.

    Do you spam her offlane, As a 5, as a 4 or as a mid?

    Call me crazy but i like the idea of playing her as a core, simply because getting a veil blink and 8 kills before 10mins feels like godmode, however i do understand she definately doesn't need the extra farm in order to rofl stomp.

    So what pos do dank willow spammers play her has?


      The biggest 5k spammer (minun) plays her as position 3 sometimes 4, sometimes 2 at most. Offlaner solo
      Veils and dagger. Rest, match dependant


        Her spamers have to play her on every position obviously.


          @menem yeah that was my approach, i played her mid recently (5:30 viel, snowballed the entire game, Ez win)
          But i played her as a position 3 and that feels pretty staple. (Same build, Viel blink euls - Insert situational items here) However she lacks the 'offlane' pull which seems to be meta, so unless you have a decent pos 4 it gets abit 'iffy' at times.

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