General Discussion

General DiscussionUnderlord or Omni,who gets priority as pos3

Underlord or Omni,who gets priority as pos3 in General Discussion

    Went soloq ranked captain's mode, captain drafted an Underlord and an Omni. The Omni kept taking my LH in the offlane, insisting that Omni is a better offlane. What do you guys think?
    Just gonna put this out here inb4 you say them:
    "SoloQ ranked captain's mode?! Are you stupid?!" Yes, I guess. Idk, I just like a drafted lineup, so I can rest with the knowledge that my team comp will look somewhat passable, and not some Sniper PA Jugg Dusa Pudge lineup


      If its captain draft then why did you picked double pos 3 in the first place?

      And who was on their safelane, if it was razor neither undercuck or omni can do shit vs him, he is ranged hero, atrophy aura doesnt affect static link damage and razor can kite and bait omni forever, vs jugg i would give omni slight advantage but still why did you picked double position 3 if you wanted to solo?

      Ten komentarz był edytowany

        Not my draft. Our mid Viper drafted.
        Btw our Spectre was mad that we didn't last pick voker for him(because there was already a razor for enemy mid), so he took the hard carry then abandoned so that we'd lose for sure, lol


          I’d prefer the underlord to offlane. Simply because I know omni is very versatile and his kit is good enough for slightly delayed, slightly greedy items like drums, euls, halberd. I’d ussually pick him, mark offlane, and when some caveman comes out from the 200 patches ago meta and takes my offlane I roam and get greedy and get have more impact than him

          The omniscience may spare them, but I will not!

          Ten komentarz był edytowany

            Well lesson learned then, dont play CD with random players.


              Both are pos 3 they don't take priority over each other, they have the same priority

              Story Time

                specter or antimage, who get priority position 1?


                  I mean, Underlord has a root + AOE over time. And Omni has nuke and a win-game button. Both situational.