General Discussion

General DiscussionNot a Hero Spammer but...

Not a Hero Spammer but... in General Discussion

    I've always considered myself more of a counterpicker rather than a hero spammer, but recently I find myself winning a lot playing the same few heroes for 90% of my matches because I just find they are so good at countering the commonly spammed heroes in my bracket.

    Nyx - vs. Pudge, CM, Tinker, OD, Storm, Invo, Dusa
    Omni - vs. PA, LC, Dusa, CK, FV and Jugg (the latter two only kinda)
    Underlord - vs. Bloodseeker, Axe, Pudge, Slark, Riki, FV (the latter only kinda)
    Bloodseeker - vs. Slark, AM, Weaver, Mirana, FV (the latter two only kinda)
    Shaman - Firstpick whenever our team needs a support
    Sniper - vs. Shaman

    Why am I winning so much recently? Did I just figure out how to counter the 1-2k meta, or is it because I'm getting familiar with the above heroes the way a hero spammer gets familiar with his heroes? Or did I accidentally hit upon some good pubstompers/FotM heroes? I don't feel like I'm actually getting better as a player.

    Ten temat był edytowany
    Can't Buy Culture

      uhm, first of all, this is crusader level,everything can happen. but im sure its because you are getting familiar with the heroes, and know how to play them, but most important how much you can push the hero in terms of limits.
      its always good to have a limited hero pool of lets say 5 heroes, that you know inside and out, because that will for sure make you a better player


        Familiarity and the heroes place in the meta are key to winning games of Dota. Meta always produces a "counter meta" that eventually becomes the new meta and a new counter meta is again needed... And that is why the spam heroes are never 100% the same. Sure there are some mainstays, but there are clear shifts... Even without a patch.


          3k games and still herald normal skill, dota is not a game for you man.
          well, as long as you had fun i guess

          Potato Marshal

            I'm kinda playing the same way, just picking from a dozen heroes that are best in the situation.

            Yung Beethoven

              how does underlord counter riki, bs and pudge?


                Probably not. I'm 27, I started playing when I was 23, and my reflexes are too slow. Most of my 200 APM is wasted on clicking the same spot too many times. I don't like roles where deferred gratification/letting teammates die is the superior strategy so I can't really play a farming role and throw late-game teamfights vs. competent supports because I'm very impatient and don't care about the enemy's ability to save/kite. I just want to burst the enemy. As a result, all I can do is stomp enemies with cheese strats and outdrafts. Still though, DotA is fun and I enjoy the game.

                As for Underlord....
                Riki in 2k is a carry who scales off easy solo kills rather than farm. Underlord makes it hard for riki to get those kills, even if my allies don't buy sentry or dust. My W reveals him briefly, traps him, and sets up accurate dust usage. I can also trap him if he tries to use his ult to escape. My aura reduces his base damage, which early/mid game comes only from stats. Riki's low base HP leaves him very vulnerable to my Q, often enough to force him to disengage from the target he is attacking or panic ulti. However, riki in this bracket don't build blink dagger and often cannot easily disengage once they blink strike in. He also can't really attack me even under smoke cloud since I am tankier and have blademail.
                BS in 2k plays the same way. He ruptures a target, bloodrages himself, and then runs in. Many players don't carry TP. Underlord's ulti can save that ruptured target with no TP. Underlord also reduces blood's right clicks and can stop the facerush long enough with W that the target and I can escape. If blood insists on fighting, he is the one who dies since I often deal more right-click damage, have blademail, while he is dying to firestorm + self blood-rage. IN teamfights, I can bait blood into charging and then suddenly cripple his damage and movespeed with mek. Then comes root and firestorm onto a target who bloodraged himself.
                Pudge kills people by pulling them out of position. Thing is, Pudge hooking me has minimal effect. I usually have blademail and pipe vs. him. Even if he gets fed, his high HP only amplifies the damage from firestorm, even after his magic resistance. If he hooks my allies, since dismember causes pudge to stand still, I hit pudge with firestorm and usually can guarantee full damage because most pudges are too greedy and don't get an early point in E. The W blocks off Pudge's allies from helping him kill the dismembered target faster, usually resulting in a 1 for 1 trade at best for Pudge and his team. If the target Pudge hooks doesn't die easily but clearly can't win the fight either, I can even use ulti to save him.

                Ten komentarz był edytowany

                  None of your 'expert analysis' matters right now. It doesn't take much thinking to win games in your bracket.


                    That's the point. I don't want to play a game for 60 minutes where I have to think as much as I do on the job. I know a lot of DotA players find that kind of game fun, but I find mindgames (where both sides are trying to bait the other into a mistake and predict their movements) stressful and rather unnecessary. IT's not fun to have to calculate enemy saves and kiting, it's not fun being afraid of every area of the map that isn't warded. I'd rather go in, knowing the enemy can initiate on me, and I'll either still live anyways or kill at least the first guy they send to kill me.

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                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                      playing 6 heroes on rotation does not make you a spammer


                        no but when you look at your heroes played and realise that you've played one hero 20 times and no other hero more than 4 times it can feel a little like spamming even if you're only playing that hero in like a third of your games.


                          I constantly feel like I'm playing too much viper and just picking him whatever, in the last month ive picked him 18 times. three times more than my next most played hero of qop with 6 games. Understand that I've played 80 games in the last month. I've picked this hero in less than 25% of my matches and it still feels like a ton because I play a little bit of everything.