General Discussion

General DiscussionIs Turbo Mode a good way to practice late-game decision making?

Is Turbo Mode a good way to practice late-game decision making? in General Discussion
lm ao

    It's pretty intuitive to understand why.

    I just don't have all the time to play Dota anymore, but I still want to keep learning as fast as possible, and if I play as much games as possible I can start improving on one of my biggest weaknesses in Dota.

    Story Time

      haha your weakness is to allow late game in a first place


        Turbo is bad for practise anything. Late game is sometime hard cause you got tierd of one game sitting 1h+ concentrate on game, so you make mistakes, but turbo you got 20k networh for 10min, rushing lains, or even got far more fight than noraml. Late gemes is hard cause it`s close game one mistake and you are out, towers are down, you got more wibe from long time spend in game, you make preshure, but in short game you don` t have that.
        But one honest question if you now don`t have much time for dota, why would you want to impruve? You are sub 3k what will you get in life with dota? Don`t preshure yourself to get better when you wont get much in return. Lerning is mether of time if you don`t have time you can`t learn, anything. Me personalu every time i went in late game i know it`s fun game for me, i had good time in dota, don`t care if i win or lose. Late game means you are in balnaced teams, and 50/50 for win, most of time. But as Story saied you want to get better at dota, so you have to get better at every aspect of your game, not only late. if you really want to improve get faster farm, better map awearnes, better timing, better fight possition, better combos in fight, more knowledge about picking, repicking, how to make team combo, strong and weak side of every hero.... You aren`t even close to high of any of these, but think do you really need to spend time doing that.
        get faster farm goes to get faster kills, means get more speace, means, faster psh, mean smore farm speace, means, better items in late game, means faster win.
        better map awearnes mean better ward possition, means better possition in tf, means tf win, with leads to push, adn goes to win...
        But to get more skills you need more time to spend in game, if you don`t have time and you won`t get anywhere just acept where you are now, play for fun, or secrifise something else for dota. But if you don` thave time forget learning.


          @mooonlightshineaswaveofnight I can understand your point of view but tbh who are you to talk about him being sub 3k. I don't think you are any better I mean you got <50% winrate mate. Atleast OP actually got positive winrate. But I don't think turbo is good for anything maybe except learning how to use your skill properly but probably better to jump in a bot match or demo to do that.


            It's fine honestly


              @kavinzaza first if you iclude ad and ardm i have positive win rante, but I don`t care. I was thinking like sub 3k with means you wont get anythign from game, belive me or not but everybody who is sub 3k can`t gain anything from game only fun while play, and to relaxs. Playars around 4 k can stram, can try to get something at least from game more than fun. But still hardly, those who are 5k can have hope to get amater pro lvl. He saied I don` t have much time, so he can`t spend time practising. My frendly advice is guys if you don`t have time don`t force yourselfs for something what you can`t do.
              I see many ppl speaking about getting better and after all when they are ascked to spend time practising they will say ah to much for me, i want short way. I don`t say give up, just think do you want to be paciente, practise, get better and spend time practising how to play game. Most ppl just see ah, I lost many late game and saied i can`t win late game or don`t se problem, o just i don`t get much kills, but there isn`t only one problem. Those under 3k can get better in every aspect in game, it`s "you are sub 3k" means. You have much to learn, you don`t gain anything but fun, so consider is it worth, cause you can do other stuffs, or be better at something else.
              I agre with other for practise hero is better demo and than go normal, or even lower mmr account like 2k make sub 1k and practise.

              casual gamer

                no nobody plays like normal lategame in turbo


                  no, turbo is not good for that


                    if you iclude ad and ardm i have positive win rante

                    You shouldnt, because nobody takes those games as seriously as standard AP matches

                    Der Härteste


                      lm ao

                        haha your weakness is to allow late game in a first place

                        Lmoa you genuinely that late-game scenarios aren't inevitable if you are just good enough

                        no, turbo is not good for that


                        shut tHe fuck up incel

                        Ten komentarz był edytowany

                          Lategame in turbo mode is not the same as ranked games so, no.

                          Justin Weaver

                            I think turbo is more fast paced not in just getting exp and gold but also in team fight structure and how the match unfolds as well, I never felt it as a regular game of dotes, it feels like a custom game disguised as a regular game, so nobody bothers when we pick five cores in a team anyway. Don't take this mode for any practice, just use it for trying different builds and stuff

                            Ten komentarz był edytowany
                            lm ao

                              To be fair, Turbo was what I used to master Arc Warden mechanics as fast as possible

                              Black Wolf

                                My opinion: playing turbo won't help you improve in a normal game. Everything is too different. It's like a whole different game with a whole different meta. If you want to improve your skills in a normal game, practice a normal game.


                                  In turbo games u can can jungle and win. So that pretty much answers ur question