General Discussion

General DiscussionQueen of pain AoE Shadow Strike vs. Spell Lifesteal.

Queen of pain AoE Shadow Strike vs. Spell Lifesteal. in General Discussion

    Shadow strike was one of my favorite spells since old warcraft, I remember when PA had it, Veno had it, QoP had it.

    Anyways, how the fuck is 30% spell lifesteal better than that SIIICK shadow strike that will always land on at least 2 heroes.

    Also why do people take scream of pain early anyway. I max the shadow strike and people MELT, if they don't go back to base or buy more regen I just go in for the kill with my ult.

    I understand that Scream of Pain deals a lot more damage but it also takes more mana, and it really doesn't help you farm since if you use it for that you will run out of mana and have none for the fight. Theoretically blinking in and doing mass damage with screams is good. But it's much better to chase people down with dagger and blink and start screaming after lvl 14-15, and then taking the fucking carry killing scream fear talent on 25.

    I have played some more qop lately with great success.

    I've mostly done offlane/roam because people always take mid.

    Don't mind the average statistics, I've played her before with 40% win.


      What? You can farm with scream with clarities and gives you more burst combined with your ult. Sure you win the lane but if the enemy mid laner can flash farm jungle you end up sitting in lane doing nothing and max shadow strike is worse compared to max scream for farming and ganking.


        i was very excited with this aoe shadow strike. i thought it would bring her back to the meta back then. but it seems that the spell LS has much more winrate. It indeed gives u a very good regen and survivability.

        about maxing Shadow Strike over scream: i think its very interesting, but u need to max blink fast too. so or u delay scream till much more later or u play with low cd blink in the early mid game. Im sure that maxing SS gives u complete lane dominance. but u can farm with the scream, blinking on the enemy that goes close to the creeps. The point actually to me would be: can u help you team overall ganking in other lanes or such stuff if u max SS?


          I have no clue but I'm winning every game literally. My impact is so huge and I honestly have no farming issues since I need no items other than Veil, Treads, Blademail...

          This build works wonders for me...

          And I'm talking about non-burst kills. Yeah scream is very cool but have you tried dagger lvl 4?

          4 sec cd and it does like 500 magic damage total... (non stacking tho but still)

          Ten komentarz był edytowany

            probably works in offlane,you can chip enemy carry much easier
            mid well,you're a pos 2 and you nid to farm soo

            one syllable anglo-saxon

              aoe strike is terrible mainly because it's point target and(don't quote me on this) doesn't hit in fog/invis
              maxing q on offlane/roam qop is fine since scream needs 3 levels into it to be even worth casting. mid qop maxes scream


                whatś wrong with skilling dagger 2 times early game , and skilling cream onwards like normal ppl do?

                Ten komentarz był edytowany

                  Roaming qop wud max shadow strike
                  Wudnt do it mid tho, since as mentioned, heroes like sf or tinker just shove wave constantly and u wud have no depush
                  2 levels in shadow strike is enough for mid


                    ^Bery Smart Person


                      Shadow Strike against illusions since it melts entire army of them. As for the rest, spell lifestealer is better.


                        im sure even in offlane its the same rule as ignite,if they can dispel it better take the other option

                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                          two reasons:
                          spell lifesteal works with mjollnir
                          there is no point in making shadow strike AoE. its not a CC ability, easily dispelable and has horrible cast time so you dont really wanna use it in fights anyway unless you have to.


                            At first at though OP was trolling hard then i checked his profile...


                              it also synergizes with shiva and orchid,which the latter usually qops build
                              edit: latter is shiva right? right!??!?!

                              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                Shadow strike aoe allows you to waveclear without rightclicking creeps, SeemsGood



                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                    how the fuck you manage to make shadow strike useful in fights. so you land in on 2 heroes. then what? they tp out while you right click them or some shit? im just trying to visualize here sry for the language. so let's see here, you max shadow strike early on as well so that you can slowly right click people and they tick down as an offlane qop. no one tries to deny for some reason. no one carries tp. or you are some kind of god at positioning blinking to the back lines and right clicking the enemy support who's to poor for boots. did i nail it?


                                      look but it would really make sense if you are the 3rd core and not so much a damage dealer. you dont need to sustain so much in fights. and utility makes more sense on a pos 3. so yeah i guess your success might have to do with playing him in the offlane.


                                        its 40% slow you foooooooooooool

                                        btw usually on offlane you don't really roam that much at level 7 anyway,your ult is like 130s cd and if enemy tp-ing because of you casting skill 1,is a win lol

                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                          The slow gets lower by the second

                                            Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

                                              Very interesting thanks


                                                *40% initial slow


                                                  so about maxing which skill: that depends on draft and your role, like you are up against a riki-> scream will hit him even when invis. enemy has oracle-> dagger will be purged anyways. so think about that before (i guess it was alrdy mentioned with an ogre and ignite).
                                                  about the talent: does your team has any kind of wave clear? if not it might be situational good, but you kinda only deal magic dmg and even if you hit only 2 ppl with spells (2 ppl with all 3 spells) the regen is enough to keep you alive in most cases.

                                                  tbh i like to play qop in the offlane, too. i mostly skip ult until like lvl 9 or 11 and get at least 3 points in dagger

                                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                    u have no fucking idea of what ure talking about

                                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                    < blank >

                                                      I think there is more logic in maxing passives on Luna that this one, since you can tp out easily.

                                                      Besides on your bracker you should have serious problems against Meepos mid with this build.

                                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                        OH I love when they dispell it since i just re-aplly it since the 4 second cooldown.

                                                        I owned one stupid lifestealer with it lmao! :D