General Discussion

General DiscussionI need someone to berate me [HELP]

I need someone to berate me [HELP] in General Discussion

    Hey guys,

    So today I decided to improve my Dota 2 playing, but there is something I would like to do. I believe there are many really good players out there who would be willing to waste their time helping me out. Im looking for people who could possibly watch some of my replays (preferably Kunkka ones) and tell me what am I doing wrong, what can I improve on, what do you think I could do better. Im talking about my mid playing and eventually offlane, as I play support rarely just in case my team really needs one. Im a 1k MMR player, so don't expect these replays to be really enjoyable. I mostly do well on early game, but sometimes I have this feeling there is something else I could have done. Please, let me know what you think and don't be affraid to use harsh words - you can roast me if you feel like, all I need is fair critisism.

    Thank you in advance.


      i can alreadytell what you're doing wrong even without looking at your replays tho
      your build is kinda bad on kunkka, you neeg to go phase harmlet, BF is useless on the hero since you don't need cleave for damage or farm
      A drum can be good too if you go fastballing
      it's useless to rush BF or daedalus, take more time to buy mid game items so you can fight
      also your farm is quite inimpressive so your gpm is really impacted
      a good kunkka don't need to much items in the mid game to be able to kill : your combo itself is more than enough
      blink is the best item on the hero for the late so it seems you've understood it
      I recommand you watch Attacker replays in order to get better with it, just looking at 3 or 4 of his games will give you a basic understanding on how to get 100% kill rate and a better farming pattern


        Carry Kunka....
        I advise you to choose another hero. You can carry the game, but you have a very very limited amount of replays to learn from.

        get heroes who can snowball and have strong laning (like PA, Jug, Viper, Ursa etc) .

        There may be some people who may bother watching 1k replays and teach, but the best way is to watch highest skilled players do it.

        Yung Beethoven

          Yeah Grimm is right, if you really want to play kunkka mid i would recommend to get phase boots into armlet into shadowblade or dagger into Daedalus/BKB and so on.

          I can watch your replays from time to time, just add me.


            I appreciate your advice and I will surely take them into consideration! But I would like to point something out...
            Since we are talking about a 1k mmr bracket every match is at least 40-50 minutes due to lack of pushing in my team. Whenever Im building Kunkka Im trying to get him ready for eventually hitting late game especially that my team might be on a disadvantage. Armlet would be really great, but I would be in need to sell it in the late game and battlefury allows me to farm fast enough in midgame to get daedaluses rather fast. Also BF gives some pretty nice stats, makes me one hit creep lanes in 25th minute and so on and so on. I decided not to use shadowblade because of the fact that it gets useless as soon as enemy team starts buying dust and 175 damage for one hit without a chance to crit isn't something that I feel I should be going for. What do you guys think?

            Also... Grimm said that Kunkka does not need items to kill in midgame... Therefore wouldn't it be smart to get this battlefury, get kills in midgame as if I wouldn't have it and just farm using it in the meantime? I find this tactic to very often allow me to get Kunkka carried enough to deal a lot of damage even at disadvantage.

            Ten komentarz był edytowany

              phase>harmlet>daedalus>blink>daedalus>daedalus(or divine)>travels
              i don't think you can lack damage with this build
              lv 25 you get 50% more cleave, so just x mark yourself, blink on a creep in front of an ennemy and that's a 85% one shot
              when you feel you'll lose you go divine
              one daedalus is enough to farm on kunnka since his cleave is on a really low cd, and you can kill really easily


                Since we are talking about a 1k mmr bracket every match is at least 40-50 minutes due to lack of pushing in my team.

                CatWithATopHot, I see a lot of people fall into this trap. I did too for a long time and only recently I am trying to stop thinking it.

                Just because "your bracket" does something, doesn't mean you need to make a habbit of playing a particular way just because of that. This is actually very bad as a beginner, because you're trying to build good habbits and forcing yourself to always play in a "end game" mindset is going to lose you games when playing mid-game heroes.

                Instead, get in the habbit of building -- more importantly playing -- for the mid game. Especially as a mid kunkka, it is you who needs to set the pace of the game. If you're dominating and you ask your team nicely to push with you then they probably will. DO NOT be toxic. Once you reach higher mmr you will have less and less of these problems.

                You also need to be adaptive but hey, master one thing at a time. Everything has it's place in the game of dota.

                Ten komentarz był edytowany

                  I actually think you might be right, early pushing might have saved my games many times, but I got a question regarding that...
                  I often meet with situations where we win a teamfight, we got this early-mid game advantage due to a big amount of kills, but then everything gets complicated. Enemy team is defending their towers from push, so we never get racks while at the advantage point and it mostly makes them slowly come back through farming. It's hard to take down racks as fighting on the highground is risky and it's a matter of time mostly before we start having some trouble against Void, PA or the other late game characters. What am I supposed to do about that?

                  And I know that it's a bad idea to make this habbits, but it's frustration what makes me feel like it might be a slightly better idea to go with " let's get it to late game " kind of thinking.


                    Add me i have a lot of free time i could help you through a few games if ya like buddy


                      you play kunnka like this
                      he's really strong now because of the +40 damage lv 10

                      Dick Trouser, MD

                        Feel free to add me too. I used to do this kind of thing on a semi-regular basis back when I updated my terrible youtube channel. I chronically end up watching my friends play and coach them too. A lot of them seem to fall into similar mental pitfalls that you do.

                        -11 year vet

                        In case you think this account looks dead- Recently I've only been on a smurf with my 2k friend to help his mindset out as the game progresses. I know, smurfing scum.

                        Ten komentarz był edytowany

                          So recently with some help of わたし わ .zaB です i managed to understand certain things better and I already feel like Im on a good way to stop being a scrub. Thank you guys for help, I appreciate!


                            you dirty bitch

                            did i do it right?


                              you smell like a leper gnome