Tinker, spam laser on razor = profit or alternatively, pick PA, when razor uses static link, just use dagger on him and he cant chase you
Ench???? Yeah she's hard to hit, but she's got little armor and little hp. Ofc you could get a creep from the jungle at the 1 min mark to help, but still, not convinced.
Offlaners that are tanky as fuck and have low attack damage, so Tide and Timber are your best bets, they dont give a shit about their damage or Razor stolen damage and most certanly wont die during shackle duration unless you leveled up gush or something...
Wait what, you are Crusader? From my 200 games on this account i fought vs Razor twice and both time he sucked hard, they usualy pick kiddy combos like Rhasta Ursa/Jugger, but CM is by far 90 percentale support pick in that bracket, i have no idea why are they so mesmerized by that hero there are supports with more impact but a larger skill cap aswell, so that might be the case?
weaver, QOP definitely
weaver because you can easily break the dmg transfer; but if you're shit as escape you'll die
same with QOP but you might have mana problems offlane if you're terrible at runing
what about axe or tide that go jungle and visit lane creeps only under their tower? Farmed razor is nothing so special in my opinion
tide is horrendous against that because he isnt nearly tanky enough level 1 and he doesnt reduce stolen link dmg
timber is also shit because he is super weak level one and his armor isnt that high until later
enchantress is ok, u might struggle a tad at lvl 1, but lvl 2 and 3 u shud be fine
@Jerson, I'm sorry, but what is wrong with CM? And why do you think CM has lesser impact than other supports?
Why not just go dual offlane? It is low MMR, afterall. Pick either two stuns, or a stun and a save. They can't kill you.
@Jerson, I'm sorry, but what is wrong with CM? And why do you think CM has lesser impact than other supports?
Has channeled ult that is easily interrupted, which makes her item depended so you can land it with glimmer/shadow amulet or bkb. I think disruptor or shadow deamon are far supperior, Rhasta in this patch is freaking godly, i see no reason to pick CM instead of these 3 i have counted.
Her ult is one of her weakest abilities, CM terrible stats (the worst in the game actually) are compensated by being completely mana independent, having two extremely low cooldown spammable nukes, and the ability to kill large creeps on her own at level 1 very fast, and of course her global aura of course.
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Which offlaners in solo lanes can stand up to Razor + Shaman?