General Discussion

General DiscussionOfflane Level 1 Creep Equilibrium Manipulator Heroes

Offlane Level 1 Creep Equilibrium Manipulator Heroes in General Discussion

    Enigma and Lich are probably at the top of the list with their level 1 deny abilities. Lesser but still functional heroes who can do this are:

    earthshaker - fissure block 3 creeps and let 1 pass
    clockwerk - cog trap in 3 creeps
    tusk - ice shards
    chen - send back using test of faith
    lycan - micro wolves to drag enemy creeps
    np - use treants
    lone druid - use bear

    Am i missing anyone?


      did you know you can pull the radiant secondary hard camp using fissure?

      bane can nightmare the ranged creep
      venomancer might be able to make a wall of wards at the base before game starts

      Ten komentarz był edytowany

        Oh wow never thought of those! Also i wonder if surging a creep with dark seer could work


          wont change much compared to blocking and letting the ranged go
          i'd rather have ion shell at level 1 :troll: