General Discussion

General DiscussionDoes people really check other gpm/xpm stat before match ?

Does people really check other gpm/xpm stat before match ? in General Discussion

    A simple answer would be good

    Lruce Bee

      Yes as it often determines who should pick what role

      Forget me not

        Yeah I am.


          its Do not Does


            ^yep ty


              Yes as it often determines who should pick what role
              thats incredibly dumb.


                ^ Only applicable in sub 1k games

                Lruce Bee

                  It's smart if you want to maximise your chance of winning. Otherwise, no.


                    Yes, sometimes but that thing don't tell you if the guy is good or not... Could have 200lh avg and lost that 20 last games.. You kwon :)

                    Lruce Bee

                      So check gpm. If he lost games his gpm would not be that high. Also if you are losing you would not be able to farm as much

                      Erdal Kömürcü

                        i am checking but it shows nothing about roles i think cuz i know people rush for bf or radi then farm whole game and losing it


                          yes i do

                          👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                            Nope, why performances in different matches at different scenarios would matter to this particular game?

                            Story Time

                              nice, so if someone was playing only support last 20 games, he will have to play support forever now! Wow!

                              Lruce Bee

                                That is not true. He does not "have" to play support forever. He could switch to carry, but it would not be recommended. People in that game would rightly be upset. The player obviously has been playing a lot of support and would not perform as well on carry on his first game after a Long break.

                                Justin Weaver

                                  I don't care about the gpm and xpm of my teammates, but I do check enemy's coz I want to know whether they are smurfing or not

                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                  Story Time

                                    this prejudice still is biased towards retards who play only carry, since they will have higher gmp... is it fair?

                                    Justin Weaver

                                      It's not fair, but they think they are born to play cores and others are not worthy of the role, can't help it!

                                      Super Speed Snail

                                        I think its fun when people laugh at my 400 gpm spec and i managed to carry them.

                                        ㄚ- 天照`

                                          I once had 697 gpm and lose 10 games :)) and still floating at 632 gpm


                                            i sometime check people profile to get them to playanother role
                                            like this guy who was on a 9 lose streak as carry and still wanted safelane :


                                              I do check gpm because im a judgmental shitstain who can't trust other carries

                                              Mode : TOPSON

                                                i see xpm gpm when low lvl acc pick core


                                                  so when someone marked safelane with 700gpm 800 xpm avg, you gonna let him play safelane even thought you wanted to play carry in that match ?


                                                    i dont check it. my gpm/xpm suck because i play mostly support and when i play core i play offlane. Still think i am a decent Pos 1 player (in my bracket atleast).

                                                    You can check it and then start a fight with your pos 1 and 2 about their gpm. they wont switch to support, you go jungle because your carry sucks anyways and you loose the game. Not worth it imo.


                                                      just adjust it, but in priority ill prefer to choose pos 1


                                                        Yes to counter enemy carry or mid lane

                                                        Potato PC

                                                          Stats not really useful, unless their supporting is 10.00 or GPM/XPM is extremely high. Also, sometimes people decide to play other roles then what they usually play.



                                                            Fee Too Pee

                                                              Stop fucking check it. You have to adjust eventually. Flaming your teammates before game even start only make people mad

                                                              Friendly player

                                                                i have 400gpm just because i have sup role a lot, but that doesn't mean i can't win mid in archon 3.


                                                                  it is very usefull to check stats beforehand to know how many core or supp player in your team and sometimes it can be used to guess role of the picked hero on the enemy side by looking at their GPM/XPM.

                                                                  Palmen aus Plastik

                                                                    it's a SEA thing. If you are someone who checks gpm and xpm on someone's profile I know for sure you're the noob in the match. Without exception.