General Discussion

General Discussionstrangest offlane strategy ever?

strangest offlane strategy ever? in General Discussion

    i recently saw a smurf doing the following:
    he picked axe, smoked, went to the enemy base and hides there.

    when the game starts he chops down the first creepwave right between tier 2 and tier 3, tps out and walks into the jungle being afk for 15min

    i wanna experiment with this shit. like stay there, keep hiding, keep cutting the creeps, gets deep wards to see reactions coming. tp out when somebody comes in to contest you, go to lane for a minute and repeat. im sure this will end up in negative score, but also descent farm, a ruined lane for the enemy and both supports being busy hunting you down aka space.
    talk to your teammates and do it to other lanes when they wanna take their tier1

    probably not a good idea to try in 5k+ but interesting below

    gimme opinions plox

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    Story Time

      why not to try when you play in stack? (in pubs people rage to easily)


        im gonna gather my old sub 2k stack this evening and test that bullshit in normal skill games
        its either the best or the worst idea ive ever had, will be fun af anyway tho


          why not simply go with a support that heals you and cut the wave no matter where
          if they come you can tp out but there is not much 2 heroes can do to you like that

          that was 2010 dota strat pub stomper as I remember since noone really knew how to deal with it

          it depends what the rest of your team is doing because if you have another offlaner and he gets nothing out if this you did not only affect their safelaner but one of your team

          it might maybe work with a trilane + this combo where one of the trilaners swaps lanes with you after you tp to aggro the tower and the heroes: enc, chen, jakiro or sth like that


            i would for sure run this with an agressive trilane (ursa + stuns) and a pushing mid, sth like dk dp pugna

            roaming bara might be a good idea, he can come in in case of rotations on me

            Story Time

              add me if you need people for stack, i am also curious how it works (but honestly in 2k, you gonna win disregarding what you are doing)


                Go boots first and just take their wave to ur tower

                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  there is no point in doing this and getting an early level 2 if you just jungle afterwards. pulling the wave is a good strat, but people are getting used to it by now. roamers usually start in mid/offlane, but because offlane pulls are so common now they are starting to start in the safelane and getting a surprise kill on the offlaner.


                    nobody said i wanna go jungle after

                    cant surprise me in lane when im behind their tier 2 PogChamp


                      In your first post you said "tps out and walks into the jungle being afk for 15min" seems like you mean kill a creep wave or two then afk in jungle for 15 minutes since that is what you said which is why they mentioned why jungle


                        Many axe players cut the wave between tier 2 and 3 and secure exp by taking them truh jungle near their tower by the time their next creepwave arrives securing 1st lane exp and making the safelane creeps push


                          i said the smurf i was matchign with did that

                          my plan is to just stay there, kill the creeps in front of the enemy tier base until somebody rotates
                          you just need one salve, a stout shield and a smoke and you can sustain yourself there for 2-3min unless you get interrupted



                            Just did ist in a 3.5k average ranked game with a 3stack

                            Both Supports showed Up and killed me around 1:30 as expected, i got a little too greedy. Went to lane, farmed 2 waves, backed up, farmed a neutral Camp or 2, Back to their Base to cut, repeat. At some point they even rotated the mid while i tp'd out

                            My farm was better than it would have been in that lane vs weaver and willow for sure plus i made a ton of space


                              if you watch some high mmr games, thats what all offlaners do. (saw it with Dark seer, axe, tide, ld, bat and more)

                              they mostly dont even go to the lane, they just cut creepwaves

                              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                You pick axe to counter weak melee like pa,you rekt them on lane,go play hide and seek with your mum


                                  ^u don't win lanes as axe at lvl 1 or 2, ur a lot weaker then u think u r

                                  The offlane pull is common in slightly higher mmr's but u can get away with it where I am I think

                                  You can probably even feed fb during the pull and be fine if u make them work for it since u still completely fucked the creep equilibrium and fb doesn't feed that much gold anymore anyway


                                    if they have 1-0 stun and ur smarter than them ur not gonna die ever, just run and tp when they have no stun left

                                    if u have lvl 2.5 and 8 cs thats a crazy advantage for a hero like axe

                                    Justin Weaver

                                      Offlane pull is not common or anything, they just started doing it recently!


                                        Offlane pulling the first wave isn't a new thing. However, it is more popular to do now because you can get away with it due to neutral creeps not spawning until 1:00 and also because it is harder for supports to pull their creep waves now.

                                        I use to pull the first wave when neutrals spawned at 0:30, but good supports would do a pull-stack for the 2nd wave at 0:53ish, making it not as effective. IceFrog may reverse the neutral spawn time change if he does not like all of this creep pulling.


                                          im not talking about pulling the first wave
                                          im talking about camping the enemy base.
                                          in case they force you away with 3 heroes you go to lane for a while, wait for them to rotate and camp the base again
                                          this shit is fucking annoying and you dont have to care about the lane matchup at all


                                            we know what ur talking abt
                                            the discussion is E V O L V I N G


                                              if you wanna be a baller, watch khezu get lvl 7 darkseer in 5mins.

                                              realisitcally, you shell the wave and yourself lvl 1. Assuming no creeps get denied you get lvl 2. surge past the tower and kunkfu punch the carry a few times too be a dick.. grab the next wave and walk it towards the rune (make sure you dont block the small camp).. Farm both smallcamp + wave and you'll have lvl 3 at 1:15ish and be well on your way too dominating your lane.

                                              now, if the enemy support has no stun, you can litterally catch every wave and farm the smallcamp+wave till lvl 5 and hardcamp + wave after lvl 5.. If they contest you, you walk the wave over the bounty runes and pick up both.. Its a very convinent strat.

                                              Khezu managed against a solo Jug lvl 7 Soulring, HOTD at 5mins while using the 5:00 shrine.. (assuming you're not contested) I've managed 6min's for the same farm against veno/pudge..
                                              If you do get contested, just do what you can and use that as a basic guide. steal the creepwave and farm it with neuts, that's about it.


                                                Darkseer is good but he requires u to know how to play him rlly well


                                                  Damn son, he must be really pro

                                                  I mean.... he just cut the enemy lane creep, afk jungle for 15minutes, and nobody even bother to gank him?must be really serious match, brother


                                                    another dude who cant read...

                                                    i didnt concider farming easy camp and creepwave at the same time, thats should be an option for axe too.

                                                    surprisingly enough, so far, the 2k players reacted quicker and didnt bring 3 heroes at 2minutes into the game. they brought one or 2, just enough to force my tp, while the carry farmed the first 2 waves under tower


                                                      i used to do this alot.

                                                      if your radient stand near your ancients until game starts then at 0:07 smoke and run up past dire anicents . ward the cliff and start getting free farm. count support stuns and only tp after they use them.

                                                      lost more then i won but thats probably just my bad axe play


                                                        3-0 for me so far
                                                        i smoke around 0:30/0:35 in roshpit as radiant or behind my mid tier 1 as dire
                                                        its easier to pull off as radiant for sure, better hiding places and space between mid tier 2/3

                                                        Lruce Bee

                                                          I would say it is almost mandatory for axe to come behind the tower to cut the wave. Whether you prefer being between tier 1 and 2, or 2 and 3, is entirely personal preference.