General Discussion

General DiscussionCalibration old account

Calibration old account in General Discussion
Lord Somerset

    I have two accounts. They both the same skill level for unranked but when I calibrated my main it got 3114 archon 4 and this account first game was crusader 4. The mmr was previously 1.6k and my main around 3k. So it doesn't take your unranked mmr into account? Why's my starting mmr using my ranked mmr which I haven't played in years?

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        Basically it sees how you are playing vs the opponents then gives you an MMR based on that. If you are consistently owning calibration then it will put you vs stronger players, if you have a bad performance then it will put you vs lower players. Typically it will get you within a couple stars of your legitimate level unless you are intentionally throwing games.

        Lord Somerset

          Okay well I'll see what the next game is like. My point is that the account was 1k, I played 40 games and got it to 1.6k then stopped. I played like 800 unranked games and that level is around 3k more or less. So why was my first game not close to my unranked. My first game in calibration was against 1.6k players?


            Unranked is unranked, you can play 10000 unranked games and still be 1k. In placements if you play vs 1k players and perform then it will put you vs harder and harder opponents until you are not performing well. It is the same thing as college placement exams, they try to get you to the point where you lose a game win a game lose a game win a game (or for the exams answer correctly then incorrectly then correctly again to see what level of that course you are at) and then you are probably at the correct mmr if you are playing average with the other plays and winning/losing in that mmr.