General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy Slark is so weak

Why Slark is so weak in General Discussion

    Never gets buff,always nerfed,squishy as fuck reeeeeeeeee

    Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

      Nope. There are some heroes that became very strong when picked right e.g. no counter. Among them are:


      Etc etc. Slark belongs to that category.

      Pick him against hero w/o aoe disable. And learn how to play inside out. There you have it, you have a OP slark.


        Dusa and pl are both MUCH more pickable than slark, PL is playable against his counters, so is dusa to an extent.


          IMO as a horrible player. Spark is weak because of essence shift. It’s a strong ability but in most fights by the time you’ve stolen enough stats you are already dead.


            Nope. The reasons slark has become so weak are in the patch notes of 7.07
            "Hex is no longer dispellable"
            Suddenly, Lion and Rasta are extremely viable against Slark, when they used to be his prey in his M.O of picking off supports.
            Aeon Disk, though not frequently picked up, is also good against Slark. It buys enough time for pounce leash to end, or for you to TP out.
            Spirit vessel, messes him up a lot. Yes he can easily dark pact it away, but you're costing him mana and time.
            Meme hammer, an AoE stun. Purely theoretical, but it's another factor for Slark to have to account for.
            Overall, a multitude of things that indirectly nerfed him, coupled with direct nerfs(moving the lifesteal talent to lvl 15 is impacting harder than anticipated, despite increasing fron 10% to 20%), has killed the fish. Personally, I'm happy about it.

            Justin Weaver

              Slark was my most played hero, in the new patch I had like 12 game lose streak with the hero, now I kinda understand how to play the hero in the patch, Nullifier seems really good on the hero, couple it with bloodthorn and you are op as fuck, it's about picking off lonely heroes to get fat anyway!


                Nullifer bloodthorn? Isnt slark supposed to build stats item like skadi/abysal/butterfly instead of damage/disable

                Friendly player

                  slark is an assassin, he is best 1v1. He's good with a disable team.


                    Cause 2 heroes can jump on him and hes dead


                      slark is a shit hero, and should remain as it is.

                      if he was good, he would be op instead. If he has an advantage he is unstoppable due to his kit, so he should never be able to reach such a state in a normal game.

                      Concept broken hero works best when the hero cann't snowball, else it just lead to shit or op hero.


                        Do you pick slark often even tho he is shit or just situational?


                          Also is battlefury legit on slark?


                            Exactly what matrice said ' Slark is either shit or OP , either way he is a hero people complain about! No chance in the near future he becomes balanced somehow.

                            Ten komentarz był edytowany

                              Fuck and bury him, the end.


                                Give slark 700 movespeed in river, maybe he can be considered him pos 3 then!! Its time to make slark an offlaner , he truly belongs to the void category of heroes.

                                Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                Bad Intentions

                                  All fish type heroes should have some special abilities in the river imho. If slar got one, others should!


                                    blademail is another counter to slark.


                                      I rejoice whenever someone from the enemy team picks slark. I feel its revenge for the previous patches where this asshole would ruin my life as a support. Now hes dogshit


                                        Ask this dude what he thinks of slark


                                          ^ Even the Slark guy isnt playing anymore, knows whats up xD

                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                            Silver Egde no longer reduces damage by 50%. Slark might die instantly to nukes if he's not careful during solo ganks.


                                              Make Pounce more rewarding, give it more range and more damage. Wouldn't be OP. Or better yet, rework the hero.


                                                well if you give back the damage on pounce, then slark can snowball easily again, and become op as fuck.

                                                Imo the only solution is to better stats growth to slark, but at the cost of removing that bullshit ultimate's change.
                                                Instead of being undetectable, put back the invis with 0 fadetime, and give slark fucking ms/hp reg even if detected during the actif's duration. this way, if slark happen to snowball he ain't unstoppable, but also, you don't play from behind min 0 every single game.

                                                It's so annoying to deal with slark's current ult, but it's also so fucking annoying to play a hero that is so weak.

                                                The only salvaging thing he has this patch, is the improve regeneration formula (bf + rain drop = spam both pounce and dark pact on cd, with no mana issue) so you can actually play him like an anti mage

                                                Player 153433446

                                                  Silveredge nerf...what made slark dogshit

                                                  ur parents r siblings

                                                    holy crap 11 thousand games on a single hero


                                                      I played against a slark with bf before i was like wtf is this kid doing then he shows up 23inutes with bf plus 3 more items

                                                      Either way itsfun playing slark