General Discussion

General DiscussionAny offlaners here? lets talk about pitlord

Any offlaners here? lets talk about pitlord in General Discussion

    I've seen Underlords high win rate and decided to pick up the hero, and boy he just seems like a hero that just screams pub stomper. He can push fast, farm fast, potent later and all his skills just seem strong. and he's so looked over that my team was surprised how fast I can take rosh with firestorm. late game I was sure I was dead when 3 heroes chased me but they barely made a dent for 5 seconds until my team came and turned. whereas other heroes would have vaporized. Im not claiming to be a pitlord master or that I've discovered a new meta. I'm just asking for your inputs on...

    When to pick(and if he's first pick worthy, I feel like he's pretty safe)
    counters and countered by_______
    how to approach different stages of the game

    Thanks and Happy Holidays


      Just go tanky items, radiance isn't rlly his piece of cake imo, but I have won this game with it so go figure


        I usually choose this skill build: 1-3-1-3-1-3-1-2-4
        You start with a soul ring, the rest of items are situational.
        For e.g. soul ring, mana boots, pipe, force staff, guardian
        Or soul ring, phase boots, rod of atos, force staff etc
        Radiance is a straight NO if you're the off laner who's tanking the damage. That item is expensive and with all that gold you could buy other items such as aura items or atos/force.
        Underlord is a really good off laner. If you're facing a trilane, you can stack and rotate to jungle


          I never see pros skipping ulti at 6
          Doesn't sound good to me


            I like the idea of tanky items too but for someone who is in the middle of a fight that long THANKS to those tank items. maybe I might get radiance a little later and if I only need the AOE. I like heroes like this that can itemize like this thanks to their already good skill set. Like say an abaddon or old bristle


              and yeah multi seems good to have at 6.


                Start with souldring and ur choice of boots complete van guard get force or other utility item complete crimson. Go for a pipe vs magical damage heros a blink is situational. As for late game halberd is nice and a heart makes u immortal.


                  can anybody take a look at this game?
                  this is when I decided that "damn, this is a good hero"


                    I'm the best Underlord here. So take my advice.

                    Don't pick Underlord every single game. He gets shat on by Jugg and Ursa. If you can, wait to see the HC.

                    Don't get arcane first. Get Soul Ring, and a raindrop. You'll spam fire forever without going oom.

                    Get one of the following teamfight items, but not all: Pipe, Crimson, or Greaves.

                    After that, get one of the following: Shivas or Hex.

                    You don't need Radiance. If they let you Rad, the game is already over and it doesn't matter if you rad or dagon 5.

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                    ROAD TO HERALD 0

                      Underlord's good for stomping normal skill i suppose. At that level, players often underestimate his tankiness and the damage reduction/gain from atrophy aura.

                      However he's a terrible pick when your team doesnt have an initiator with hard lockdown or sufficient mobility to engage and disengage heroes like storm/tinker/sven/am etc.


                        @Washed Up
                        No offence but you're just a dogshit. Ult is useless when you've no utility items nor your team mates to push and tp out(especially in low brackets like yours).
                        Instead, you max your first skill and shit on the enemy/rotate to jungle.

                        Ten komentarz był edytowany

                          I always do 13311214222 build, he always having 40 attack dmage at lvl3

                          Item always greaves, dagger, atos, aghanim or tarras. U must in the center of fight to become usefull broher


                            Alright so looking at the guides tab, u can skip ulti, but not every game.
                            I haven't played underlord in a long ass time anyway so my b.


                              radience is too greedy for offlaners

                              greaves, pipe, blademail, atos.... greaves is pretty much a core item

                              utility you can buy whatever is needed, also blink/AC/shivas
                              /solar crest are good

                              i think its one of the heros where you can build tons of different items, he isnt really dependent on specific items


                                you dont need heart of terrasque, thats a typical 1k item.

                                you already have huge HP, what you need is armour or magic reduction pipe/bkb


                                  Lol. I'm not a UL spammer but I've started picking him as well this month.

                                  Out of all the comments on items and builds, only @Stentorian 's made sense.

                                  Anyways, here's my 2 cents:

                                  Early Game:
                                  - You start with 3rd skill not 1st skill, why? Firestorm will mess up creep equilibrium from the get go. If you know proper creep aggro etc, you can at least force next creep wave somewhere in between your tower and his tower. Worst case if not, you have enough aura stacks that you can control next creep wave.
                                  - When to start spamming firestorm? I usually do this when enemy supports start to notice that I'm out CS'ing their hard carry - so they'd start focusing in zoning me out. Could be @ lvl 2, most of the time @ lvl 3
                                  - but they can also zone me out @ lvl 1? True. But depending on creep aggro skill and enemy carry creep equilibrium management. The next creep wave will be closer to you. Again, spamming firestorm @ lvl 1 will be the last thing you want since the wave will be further out and you'll be more susceptible to being zoned out my enemy supports.

                                  - Since I don't early spam firestorm unless I need to. I usually find myself having enough mana + mango regen (only when needed) that I can go straight Arcane boots.
                                  - Depending on enemy support, on whether they can clear creep waves under their tower fast enough - I'll be flying an occassional clarity on top of arcane boots. I guess this is where soul ring becomes very useful as you will virtually have unlimited mana. But I start with Stout + Tango + Salve coz my gameplay is different.
                                  - Lol @ people building Radiance. UL's power spike is lvl 3 - lvl 12. You will be unkillable If you progress properly with items such as Mekansm, Vanguard, Pipe (depending on what is required). It's also important that you level your ult @ lvl6 since you will be creating so much lane pressure that enemy would want to gank you (at best - they would need at least 3 heroes and 2 chained disables to kill you). But with cheap tanky items, just couple of clicks and you'll be back home safe while creating space for your cores.

                                  Late game:
                                  - So far, I dominated most UL games. Only 1 instance when we would have lost was against Axe - inspite of having Greaves + Crimson. This is when buying utility items such as Euls + Dagger becomes very important.
                                  - Point being, you don't dominate by having DPS. You dominate the game by being unkillable, creating too much lane pressure, creating space for your cores, tanking when pushing, and with so much gold buying the correct utility items since you can farm easy.

                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany



                                      Soul Ring into drums is also a good build.


                                        he is not first pick material, good against most melee carries in laning phase.
                                        Underlord is countered by Pudge and OD.
                                        Try to get greaves asap or mekans at least and group up with your team then start pushing towers.
                                        Get pipe/crimson guard if enemy can deal a lot nuke/physical damage.
                                        Buy blink dagger/force staff/atos if needed.
                                        Radiance is not bad but greaves/pipe/crimson guard are better in most case.


                                          Drums sounds like a rlly nice item now