General Discussion

General DiscussionAbbadon builds

Abbadon builds in General Discussion

    Your opinions of items for abbadon please.


      Soul Ring Phase Midas Radiance

      Max shield and passive.

      The hero sucks tho. Better offlaners available.


        Seriously,who are best offlaners now?


          fuck off lmao hes one of the strongest level 25 heroes

          get blink/octarine/radiance, last 2 slots are flex slots - you can go mjollnir for more damage, bloodthorn for regen/control, manta for a close to 0 downtime radiance + aphotic shield carrier

          talents wise get CDR and aphotic shield

          at 25 this hero is a fucking beast, he gets free blinks mid-fights with his ult and shield blocking the damage, while doing insane AoE magical damage without having to even right click

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            He is strong but rn countered by shit like spirit vessel and aa is rlly popular.


              strong dispel xD


                The other thing is shield cast range
                Like PTA on legion feels like a safe cast range, on Abaddon I often feel like if I cast shield to save someone I might die too


                  still op in the right hands and games. never underestimate apoTHICC shield. I ussually stop for drums before radiance but thats because I love drums. push fast but don't be afraid of late game as he is still strong.


                    In 7.07 abbadon is extremely situational i only pick him for the offlane against heroes whose damage is spread all over the place such as gyro and luna. Early game get soulring wand and phase boots. As your first item get a blademail. The point of playing this hero is just activating blademail and ult and running into luna/gyros face which either makes them kill themselves or not attack and cast spells in which case you win the fight because they're useless.


                      The other good reason to pick abaddon is to buff your rightclick cores significantly. This way of playing him is really underrated in my opinion. As your first major item you want to get a helm of the dominator. Your passive gives 40 bonus attack speed to your allies if they are attacking the same target as you. Dominator aura gives everyone another +20. And you can get pretty strong auras from dominated creeps. You usually want Hellbear for +15 attackspeed aura and decent active spell or alpha wolf for 30% bonus damage. After helm get vlads/solar/ac.

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                        Also a tip for farming on abbadon. Unless you went for a radiance (which i think is garbage on this hero) your farming is very slow. The best way to speed it up is to get lvl 15 talent 50 mist coil dmg/heal. This also increases mist coil self damage from 150 to 200. So if you cast aphotic shield on yourself and use mist coil on a creep you instantly explode your shield which makes you farm a lot faster.

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                          Ignore everyone's advice except the 6k mmr guy. Especially washed up he's 2k but talks like 5k

                          Palestine 4EVER

                            Orb of Venom, Magic Wand, Arcane Boots, Force Staff
                            Optionals: Drum of Endurance, Solar Crest, Pipe of Insight, Crimson Guard, Spirit Vessel

                            Yes, I play support Abaddon. Because, why not?


                              Just listen to what @eddie said. He's crusader 5 so his game knowledge must be pretty good.


                                Zenoth you're selling Aba based on his level 25. First he needs to get to level 25.

                                In reality what happens is he goes to the offlane against shit like SS Ursa + roamer and gets zoned out. He can't jungle. And by the time supports leave, the enemy hc is too strong to deal with so that's a lost lane.


                                  Hey @ed edd and Eddy I again implore u to tell me why people shouldn't listen to me instead of flaming with no real substance.


                                    He used to be fairly decent like on 6.87 with Soul Ring and maxing Q
                                    You just needed Tranquil boots and another Wind lace that converts into drums.

                                    Better offlaners though, as for the hero, I think he's a solid counter to initiators or generally good against hard stuns for the dispell.
                                    Should be played as position 3 or 4 though, I despise the dumbshit Radiance build of nowadays. Vlads, Drums and Cuirass works like ten times better

                                    Friendly player

                                      bkb, 3x moon shards, 2x divine rapiers.


                                        you can play him as a carry like i do and its perfectly fine

                                        i've had no trouble outcarrying plenty of "hard carries"

                                        most of my abba games end before i hit 25 anyway


                                          the question is, how do you keep your team from running down mid from min 0 when they realise that you want to play pos 1 aba


                                            ^not everyone's games are as toxic as urs


                                              Whau Gattuso ☺☺ in my post,i think you can understand my nick if i say i used to play with you as striker (off topic)

                                              Palestine 4EVER

                                                @P9^: Forza Milan, mate


                                                  i like the standard arcanes vlads mek force staff gg boots.