General Discussion

General DiscussionPuck 7.07d

Puck 7.07d in General Discussion
low prio master

    I love juking i love puck,so fun to play,my worst hero sadly even i practice him quite a lot i do always standard builds like bottle,treads,blink,eul.Lately i think in my bracket i may build dagon earlier or maybe right after blink or even before,is this good idea?I would say im ok about my mechanical skill on him but losing so often,thinking that utilities which puck bring to game are not that usefull in my bracket and should go dagon get kills and try snowball harder.


      Playing puck mid is pretty bad in this patch imo. Unless you have a really hard position 1 who can carry the game later when it gets big enough (Antimage, Spec, Dusa etc). I mostly play him offlane. He's a pretty strong offlaner even though you are not able to purchase most of the early game items you need from the side shop. Last patch you could buy wand, soulring, orb of venom and phase boots in the sideshop but now running him offlane requires a bit more courier usage. As for laning wand, soulring and brown boots are a must. You can get and orb of venom if you think it can help you in harrassing the enemy supports and carry. After that you can upgrade your boots to either phase or treads if the game is going well. If not rush a blink and keep the brown boots so you can get travels later on as you will need to splitpush a lot. After blink i usually like to get euls as it makes you more survivable and gives you the mana regen you need to keep farming the creepwaves. Euls is also a must have item against any silences. I feel like kaya or veil arent worth getting as you have more important items to make in the early parts of the game and after that they just arent useful enough to take up a slot in your inventory. After blink euls build anything that you feel you and your team need the most in that game. Linken's for survivability against instant disables (Primal roar, hex, frostbite). Dagon if you feel safe but lack burst damage. Shivas is good if you need armor and the active can also provide you the vision of heroes who like to hide in the trees such as Tinker. Aghs is good against cores that like to build bkbs and depend on not being kited around the fight (Lycan, Sven, Lifestealer). Hex is the choice if you lack lockdown against slippery heroes such as Storm, Antimage or Morph.

      As for the skillbuild you want to max our your nukes by level 10 so you can kill the creepwave instantly. Dont take any talents or the 2nd skill point in your ult until you are level 14 as you want to have you phase shift maxed out by lvl 13 so it has enough duration for you to blink out of pretty much any danger. The talents i take are usually 10 intelligence, 8% spell amp (so your nukes do enough damage to kill the creepwave instantly later when the creeps get more HP. You dont need to take this talent if you have veil or kaya). On level 20 i take -5 waning rift cooldown and on 25 i usually take 420 gpm. Dream coil rapid fire could be pretty good with some rightclick items such as mjollnir or bloodthron but i havent tested it out yet.

      Hope this helps you with playing Puck.

      Ten komentarz był edytowany
      low prio master

        Thanks a lot


          Veil of discord if ur mid