General Discussion

General DiscussionBe like me

Be like me in General Discussion
    >got a 4 losestreak in ranked
    >decided to use another hero and changing my playstyle
    >pick juggernaut
    >im going beyblade juggernaut
    >Bounty Hunter is a roaming supp
    >tfw no hard support
    >OD got countered by silencer
    >going hard aggressive support
    >safelaning with OD against Silencer and Zeus
    >about to dive
    >press q
    >diving at silencer
    >OD also dive to get a kill
    >eventually got a kill although i dead
    >bought a force staff
    >AM is fleeing but still tracked
    >dive again to secure the kill
    >forcestaffing myself at AM while going beyblade
    >AM killed with a slash of my ult
    >tfw dead again after secured a kill
    >every my death i deployed healing ward to sustain my allies
    >acquired Invis Rune
    >roaming and enemy jungle
    >spotted AM while farming ancient
    >press r at AM and killed him after he finish the camp
    >bought Atos
    >end game scenario
    >were trying to push top lane that was heavily guarded
    >forcestaffed myself at bunch of enemies and Omni-fucking-slash'em up
    >safe to push
    >advancing to tier 3 towers
    >*AM teleported behind us
    >trying to attack us
    >AM was fucked up and about to blink
    >Clicking Atos at AM to chain-disabling him
    >OD and Sven carried us
    >gg hard game lul

    Potato Marshal

      >guardian 1

      No thank you


        lul nice story.


          Damn,of course u won brother.Ur enemy having 2 most retarded hero on dota,luna and am

          I bet he 1st picking am

          Ten komentarz był edytowany

            ^i first pick am


              Its gonna be dangerous in lategame. AM already fat cuz i havent ganked him more than i did.


                Its gonna be dangerous in lategame. AM already fat cuz i havent ganked him more than i did.


                  Good for u. Now there are other settlements that needs your help, I'll mark it on your map