General Discussion

General DiscussionHow is enchantress Balanced?

How is enchantress Balanced? in General Discussion

    I mean honestly im 3k trash my Micro skillz are capped at heros like lich, but still if i pick ench i just go dumbster 5k players all on my own over and over again. Im out of Position like all game long but i just dont die, cuz if they gank ench even as 5 i press e and Walk away. On top of this your w is a dispel with barly any CD Siege creeps rape towers in seconds and her Base movespeed feels like fucking bloodseeker on drugs.

    Pls Volvo Balance this hero wtf.


      I've played against a few enchantresses recently. And they felt Super annoying. But those in my bracket don't really know how to win with the hero.

      white boy summer

        shotgun her ass with yet another greatly balanced hero


          ^ you cant burst her with magic nukes theres a Balanced lvl 10 Talent LUL.


            She's not balanced.
            Not OP, though. Unless last-picked. Or enemies are shit at counter-picking.


              lol if you take both wisp talents you heal 630 HP/sec


                Ench with drow is broken

                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  she is super obnoxious in the lane, but in mid-late, she is not very useful. no stun, slow is kinda weak, damage is only good if you play like sniper.


                    The reason she is not OP is because in the early parts of the game she can quite easily be killed by burst as her heal is heal per second and usually is not prioritized over enchant or untouchable. And then later in the game her passive that makes her survivable against late game carries can easily be dispelled by a silver edge. In the mid game she can be quite annoying but if she isn’t fighting and getting kills she doesn’t farm all that fast unless your team is dominating the map. Also her heal does heal a lot but only if she’s alone. If you catch her in a lane with 5 creeps her heal is reduced to a fifth. The easiest way to shut her down is to jump her with stuns and silver edge and she melts before the team fight even starts.


                      I play offlane enchantress often. You need 3 chained disables to take her down in lane. Anything less than that and she is getting away.


                        If they have nukes to kill u why wud u still prioritize untouchable
                        Her skills r quite flexible, and even 1 point in it heals an incredible amount. Even then, u buy wand raindrop and some hp with bracer or urn or smth to avoid dying to nukes if that's the problem, even casual cloak into glimmer or pipe.


                          Guys finaly i lost a game my Team feed brood on offlane and she rushed nullifier. Took a tryharding divine 2 Player to stop 3k ench spammer.


                            i love running around with like 3 catapults and taking all of enemies t1-t2 towers


                              Wait how u play him in lane etc pls explain i played 1 game and its fun hero


                                You harras enemy carry with rightclick and jungle creeps, try to cs / denie and press e if they Run on you.


                                  Play against ursa or lifestealer and try say enchantress is op.


                                    Ursa and ls are realy fucking ez as ench. Only carrys i struggle against are slark and gyro.

                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                    Pepper & Salt

                                      well, silveredge on slark or a blink dagger ursa = dead enchant.


                                        Na you need some Kind of stun or nullifier to kill ench Solo.

                                        Soggy Bottom Boy

                                          I am ultra trash bracket, but I know what you are talking about. This game I played offlane enchantress:

                                          and I totally shat on the enemy. They even couldn't kill me at all or wasted way too much on me.

                                          Problem is in my pubs that you hardly ever get the opportunity to pick 4th or 5th without loosing tons of gold. Ench is such a strong last pick.


                                            Im always 1St picking ench and have 70% winrate since i understand the Power of Bambi.

                                            Potato Marshal

                                              I've seen plenty of 4 and even 5k players chase Enchantress around for like 20 seconds without having a way if dealing with untouchable until her team finally catches up with them.

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                                                Ursa counters ench since he shit on her passive and usually build abysal. But you can still get ghost scepter or halberd or pike or whatever.

                                                Ench is a better Chen right now, much better.

                                                1 question:

                                                When would you want Chen over enchantress ? If your team is already too greedy ?

                                                PS. As long as I remember Triple Steal grinded mmr by spamming her and Timber.

                                                Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                  Chen is Position 4 and ench is 3.

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                                                    I used to see many Enchs playing more like roam/jungle pos3-4 type. Is this legit ? Or it should be played just solo off + roamer ?


                                                      Just Solo off. Chen is the roaming enchantress.


                                                        There are like 2 build on ench i guess.
                                                        When u have Hard lane and actually enemy is able to kill you buy Str. Pt and euls.
                                                        If you have free lane and just Run around Raping everything go Phase + atos.
                                                        Next Item is Pike in all scenarios, Rest is Situational.


                                                          What playstyle is enchantress most similar to? Sniper ?

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                                                              Playstyle of an lvl 12 atos sky After 10min. You go around and rape everyone.


                                                                Does anyone manage to play her with audio on?

                                                                Spoink! Spoink! Kill me already....