General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat's the lowest winrate a player has in ranked ( not on purpose )

What's the lowest winrate a player has in ranked ( not on purpose ) in General Discussion

    As a general study of my own failings in dota, I was trying my hardest and getting legitimately negative towards the game when I reached a all time low of 37% winrate. Calibrated 3.2k and now I am 1.8, this is not a moan because I know I'm trash and all that. Just interested to see how many others out there are failing to get better and by how much :)


      Sometimes calibration screws up. You unfortunately over calibrated and paid the price. Don't feel bad.

      But some people just become really bad for no reason. Like SLQ, mafioso, vertox. I think filthy dropped a ton because he became retarded after war or something.

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