General Discussion

General DiscussionRANKED YAY?

RANKED YAY? in General Discussion

    UM HI GUYS new here
    so i just unlocked my ranked and then after that my friend told me to get vhs before ranked .
    is vhs that important for ranked . i checked old threads to verify that
    in the old threads it was written that normal skill is 3k and vhs is 5k.
    since max calibration is 3.5 , should i just play ranked and not bother about vh or vhs ,
    thank you


      no difference. you'd calibrate below 3k anyway. climbing on unranked is same as ranked. but at least u can track your progress in ranked. so just go calibrate


        As said previously by Jacked. You won’t get vhs if you’re new, and it doesn’t matter because it will be a grind either way. Good luck though


          Judging by your normal skill winrate... you'll probaby climb to 3k pretty fast and I assume you might end up 4k sometime before next year without too much difficulty.


            Normal skill was: 1-3199 mmr
            High skill was: 3200-3799 mmr
            Very high skill was : 3800-
            Max calibration was 4999

            Just play ranked....


              anyway i was in vhs playing ranked in hs with some low sooo low ppl ... there is cap anyway so fuck it


                3k unramked is like 2k ranked.


                  you sure that 4999 is the max calibration? i thought its 3500


                    still 3.5k max calibration


                      still 3.5 i got mine today ..

                      i have vhs then suddenly i got highskill when i calibrate. 6lost 4wins got 3440 mmr

                      chicken spook,,,,

                        Just deflate your mmr and climb up to where you belong to inflate stats




                            congrats then :D


                              I think I won't get VHS cause my 1st match was really bad , (I fed but not intentionally , clinx is paper u kno


                                @master bait.. Dont lose hope just progress ur game skill and teamwork also hero play their role accordingly... I follow some advised here in forum.. And hey.. I already experienced playing at HS and VHS level which u can feel the presure and intense of the game.. The coordination of the team. Totaly different level as normal skill bracket.. I went back to normal again coz previous matches with vhs level we lost that might be the reason but if won probably went up again.. However the mmr is going up even u went back to normal skill.. My observation.. I was from 2800 and iam begginer.. Now iam in 3200+.. I suggest stay with unranked for now before u calibrate it and dont rush.. Perfect atlease 5 heroes.. When u are ready.. Then go calibrate and apam ranked.. That will help alot thnx.. Just my opinion.. Check my games.. Iam perfecting AA and NS now as position 4 and 5.. Sonn ill add new heroes then ill calibrate.


                                  If u really want VHS just go to some boosting website . Thank me later


                                    @ginger when did ranked unlock for you ? 25th game ?


                                      ahha guys im using opendota and checking my hidden mmr gonna play normal till i reach 3k

                                      Paksit- giti

                                        git gud man. 3.5k is still the max calibration


                                          dont rely on opendota bro

                                          i calibrated like a year ago, 2.1k and didnt play ranked. opendota said my est. was ~2.3k

                                          started climbing in september, got 3k in a few weeks, now opendota sais my est. is slightly above 3k now


                                            lol . thanks , i wont now

                                            Story Time

                                              dont play dota until you are VHS (best advice)


                                                That’s terrible advice^ what are you talking about?
                                                Ranked is the best way to learn Dota, people tend to take Dota much more serious in ranked, unranked is full of players having fun not caring on the outcome.