General Discussion

General DiscussionStuck in low bracket mmr

Stuck in low bracket mmr in General Discussion

    Im currently playing my friends id which had no more than 1k mmr before.
    Im planning on helping him calibrating to atleast 3k or 4k with the new seasonal ranking system (i am 5.1k).
    And i actually win 9 out of 10 games and had average of 700gpm and 800 xpm
    How is the id still calibrated in 1.1k mmr??

    Chao Vritra

      MMR is based off of whatever bracket you were playing in before. Unfortunately calibration matches do not really mean anything. I lost 9/10 of my calibration matches and fed as roaming pudge. Had disaster games. Placed in 3.4 k which is just a little below what i was before.

      So yeah the calibration games might give you a few hundred extra MMR so that sounds about right.

      Bob Johnson

        Your friend is just going to ruin games if you calibrate him at 4k.

        Ten komentarz był edytowany

          There is no real change in calibration unless you are extremely high mmr (over about 6k it seems). I went 7-3 in calibration and went up 160 mmr. It does not deviate far from where you start at especially between 0-5k.

          Ten komentarz był edytowany

            So its calibrated around our previous mmr before the patch?


              you're garbage thats why


                whats the point? your friend will feed and ruin 4k games till he either gets bored of it or drops back down to 1k.

                casual gamer

                  Idk why ur not posting on ur 5k account


                    you would probably calibrate him even lower than he is rn


                      dont get that fool up to 4k. Had enough of these guys afk farming all game 2k trash account buyers