General Discussion

General Discussionguys I have a confession

guys I have a confession in General Discussion

    I play dota because I feel sad and I feel sad because I play dota

    Evil By Envy

      try to get out, look out for a friend (to play dota ofc) then back in cycle of sadness


        i cant make friends i have a bad personality or people who want to be my friend i dont want to be friends with because i have a bad personality and i dont appreciate their friendship

        зачем я начал поиск

          Stream Dota and be happy.

          Ten komentarz był edytowany

            The cycle goes on


              watch he... i mean just play dota and be sad


                my friends abandoned me so my life rn is reading about dota and playing dota. i dont do drugs tho.


                  Get a new hobby


                    do drugs and fuck bitches


                      Impressive winning rate. Why would you be sad when you are winning a lot of your games?


                        Have you considered dick sucking? I heard that semen can make you feel calm/relaxed...


                          ^DIS ROFL


                            I had the same problem. I thought Dotes was all I had. I was at a low point in my life, I tore my ACL and had to stop playing sports in college. That was a year ago and I’ve played a LOT of dota since then. But i always felt empty. Now I fee happier because I changed my lifestyle. I surounded myself with people who love me. i switched to a healthier diet. Actively try to be healthier. It makes you feel really good and confident. Now I don’t want to assume, maybe you are already into these things, but Im saying what worked for me.I switched to a clean diet and again focused in my rehab and on my sports. List down things you enjoy that are also good for you. Then stick to those and you’ll be happier. And smile more :)

                            주 롄양

                              And what exactly make u sad when playing dota?


                                And what exactly make u sad when playing dota?

                                Maybe the thought he has nothing worth mentioning in his life except this video game he plays 80% of the day?

                                Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                  i cant make friends i have a bad personality or people who want to be my friend i dont want to be friends with because i have a bad personality and i dont appreciate their friendship

                                  lmao. thats a fucking vicious cycle mate.

                                  " I don't care to belong to any club that will have me as a member "


                                    Ur justcselfish moth.erfucker go meet some girl or last thing go fuck w hore
                                    I went on who re couple times. it was good experience , the girl was very hot something u cant fuck easy but with money u can do everything


                                      you gonna be more sad when you lose that streak of yours buddy


                                        not sad :)


                                          i mean at least not about dota idc dota