roaming weaver is good only if you have drow in your team i think because your 4 position not having any sort of stun or slow is a big deal but with the nerf to drow aura at early levels even that might not be enough to make it good.
back to brewmaster. you just initiate the fights, be sure to get your ultimate off, cyclone that one hero that is very problematic but hard to kill (medusa, timbersaw, necrophos), focus the other pandas on supports. drunken haze is really good, keep using it on carries.
blink clap ulti and tornado the one spooky boy
then use the rock to catch the squishy easy to kill hero
dont forget to let the person out of tornado early if u get rid of those around them in time
You can burst that imobile squishy support early-mid. In lane haze carry and use brawler and clap for cs. Late gane cyclone targets heirarchy for me is 1. Medics 2. Casters 3. Strong teamfighters. Super strong in offlane because of hazes miss chance ro deny carry farm and not die himself. If lane is 1v2 most of the time you win
Also dispel magic is OP. So good they had to hide it in another spell. Its an AOE dispel for Christ sake
if brew gets off his ulti and isnt a 1k player the teamfight is basically won, thats the idea behind him.
in laning stage you crit the hell out of the supp
throw haze at the core and taunt around with the circus music
until both loose their freaking mind and tilt
ez mmr
idk when to pick roaming waver, but i played it a couple of times and it felt ok-ish
would have worked much better if my cores would have had some stuns.
basically swarm+medallion+lockdown=dead hero
aghs is broken against some bursty heros
imagine a ck popping his ult-reality rift combo and you just timelapse your ally last second before he dies.
i would only pick if you have experience with weaver and experience with pos4
Try am roam i played 1 game not gonna judge if it was good or not but it was the most fun stupid thing i did
Correct me if I'm wrong. The reason why u the hero seems really random is because he's like a pos 2 running around either getting farm carelessly, "oops got caught out let me ult and kill everyone and run away" or look for fights wherever whenever ult is up if you're done farming creeps
Brew is a good niche hero, who can actually function most games, because of his position flexibility
@diox Yea that's pretty much it ..but after watching him in pro matches not ranked matches he makes alot more sense.
Now I gotta save up to get the taunt as its obviously the most important part.
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What's the idea behind brewmaster?
I do know he is pretty much always a won lane one way or another but then what
I see it happening over and over again pros win the lane get ult kill safelaner then it just seems too fucking random
I mean with sandman id usually either camp enemy jungle for kills/camp behind my cores with blink for counter initiation
But I don't see how brewmaster works
Playstyle/itemization tips are reaaaally appreciated
+how situational is roaming weaver exactly "don't wanna make another thread"