General Discussion

General DiscussionFirst-picking carry

First-picking carry in General Discussion

    Is it okay to pick a safelane/mid if nobody on your team is marked and you're losing tons of gold?


      no first pick support

      Unwavering Stance

        if you are sure about you performing well on that hero independently from pick then yes

        casual gamer

          if theyre so grossly op or can fit multiple lanes

          i wouldnt mind if someone picked tiny first pick, but first pick am is retarded unless ur way better than ur opponents


            if u like first pick mirana u r cool
            if u first pick dusa ur retarded

            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              its fine if they are strong laners or dont really have "hard counters". stuff like viper, veno, necro


                Its okay if you're pseudo picking carry to bait out certain picks and then have your team counter them.

                e.g. insta picking sniper and playing him as a hard 5.


                  First pick invoker is good

                  casual gamer

                    Baiting people into picking spirit breaker is stupid in all circumstances


                      or you can first pick spirit breaker


                        ^^ lol divIne I was thinking same thing , ya pretty much like others said only hero’s that don’t have hard counters . Wh n I was spamming am , I’d eat like 60 gold loss for team and still not pick lol , some hero’s it’s awful to first pick


                          My current build gives me 75 left over gold at beginning so I don’t give 2 fucks about gold loss.


                            In rd I think first picking cores can be strong if the pool can't counter them.


                            Eziest first pick AM of my life.


                              If its a good hero that doesn’t influence the whole draft.



                                Fee Too Pee

                                  I always happy to see pudge in my team. Ez laning stage


                                    Jugg and Mirana are the only heroes viable for first picking as a carry. Luna is also a good option but not as good as the 2 heroes above.