General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to do anything with riki

How to do anything with riki in General Discussion
Slav McGopnik

    I can't grasp this hero or how his winrate is so high. Everytime I pick him, I get sentries in every lane, every hero carrying dust, and wind up unable to do anything. I feel useless even in good games, his damage output is trash and he can't farm anything. Any tips or hints?

    Bad Intentions

      The permanent invis is where its at! :D

      Slav McGopnik

        It's worthless, every time i even pick him i see at least 30 sentries bought by the enemy supp, and I can't gank or even lane.


          The whole point is being a good enough Riki to massacre them aneven after forcing them to buy so much detection.
          Go blink if ur rlly having trouble, and just blink out of ur ulti or immediately if ur dusted
          Also rikis dmg is not low, its pretty good and scales well too

          Cheap Laugh Guy

            His damage output is thrash

            Player 281121816

              Thats it! Thats the point.It will make ur enemy support lost 3k gold just to counter you.And basically,u are only pos 4/5 support so ur teammate pa or jug can 1 hit their support

              Dont talk about 2k-3k mmr.Dust and ward are just myth in there

              Slav McGopnik

                I'm talking mostly about early game, everyone has detection, and I'm stuck at level 3, unable to kill anyone or have any gank impact. And please stop spreading the "no one wards at 2k/3k" myth, they actually ward MORE than usual there.

                Ten komentarz był edytowany
                Cheap Laugh Guy

                  So you change lanes, or buy a sentry too. If their supports have to buy sents and TP to each lane you visit, they suffer a lot of gold loss.
                  You can't kill anyone solo early game as any hero unless it's a brawling MK or Ursa.
                  You rotate to lanes where you think your teammate can help you get kills/assists. If there's no such lanes I guess it's a bad draft and you make do with what you have.

                  Player 281121816

                    -100gold/sentry ward is not cheap

                    -if they have detection,go roam other lane.If ure offlaner,hide on the tress,just leech the exp.Use blink strike to kill lane creep,then run,hide again

                    -i always go 3-2-3-1-3-4-3-2-2-2-T-1-4-1-1

                    -go orb of venom,magic stick,and tranguil as 1st item.Mid, yasha,finish sange yasha, item so powerfull on riki,more ms to roam,slow stack with orb venom.Later,build diffusal and eul if u feel trouble against dust

                    -If u dusted,smoke them,then go hide and seek on the tree, get them confused just like messi play. Wait till dust is gone,go strike again

                    -Why his damage low?!because u didnt use backstab.Go attack creep from behind


                      watch zDonFrank replays


                        always anticipate the enemy to have vision and play around it, if you dont die, the enemy will have wasted a ton of gold on trying to kill you. in example you can wait for enemy to use spells then initiate with blink strike. hero isnt as easy as ppl make it out to be.

                        Ten komentarz był edytowany

                          Riki is good because he spends as much time farming as supports but he can snowball off those squishy backliners who rely on their spells. And he has spells that are just bonkers at ruining your life in smoke, a freaking aoe silence and slow, and blind! Permanent invis with damage amp, gap closing and escale ability, and an aoe phase shift that deals damage, wut. And if supports are spending so much to check you, thats a good thing, theyre not getting anything too. Thats why his wr is so high. With diffus his damage and kill potential rivals even enemy hard carries. Inagine a drow who spent 25 minutes farming, riki runs into her and just shreds her. Supports have to buy force staff just to not get shat on my the guy. He sbowballs from killing other heroes.


                            diffusal doesnt diffuse anything anymore, just slow shit. and its been awhile since riki cant diffusal himself, where have you been?
                            eul is legit though


                              look at this game i just played

                              enemy had 2 supports , sentries in every lane. outplay is always possible. in example you see cm ganking somebody. the moment she uses frostbite, you go on her and easily kill her as she has nothing to stop you from doing it.

                              if you are curious, my 7.07 item build is: orb of venom and slippers of agility -> brown boots -> multiple slippers of agility -> phase or treads -> 4 wraithbands -> SnY -> replace all wraithbands with butterflies. having many wraithbands emphasizes a lot on early game strength, if you manage to get them at like 10 mins, you become strongest hero on the map. i think this build is better than diffusal because you get crit talent, however diffusal is still very good if you are pressed to play more utility and therefore take the 100% smoke uptime talent. of course you still get MKB or BKB, abyssal or desolator if you feel like you really need it.

                              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                Riki is most effective when picked in the right situation. He is especially good against mele heros (except certian heros like bristleback, slardar, and spirit breaker). His smoke can be devastatingly annoying. It forces people to buy bkb, or mkb, or force stuff. Riki is also good against junglers. He can leek exp and slow the junglers farm. He can also kill couriers pretty easily.
                                As most siad, this hero hurts supports. They have to buy a bunch of setries and dusts. The best part is that them buying dusts and sentries does not necessarily gurantee a kill on riki as riki is pretty evasive hero. If the enemy team pops a dust, you can blink away and hide or ult. Relating sentries, you can easily avoid lanes with sentries. Most supports place a sentry when they see a riki in lane. You can force them to place sentries in onle lane and then move to another. Or, you can simply deward. Another big advatage that riki brings is placing wards around the map without being noticed (especially, in the beging stage of the game).
                                When it comes to itemization, you really should get orb of venom as it allows riki to get kills. Orb of venom in conjunction with other slows will most likely guranteed kills. Next, riki can get any kind of boots. However, I recommen getting phase boost as it will boost yout damage output as well as the ability to close the gap with an enamy heros. If you're involved in a lot of kill, you can even get an urn. It will provide you and your team healing sustain. Deffusal blade is a must item for riki. Defusal blade is one of the power spikes for riki. As game goes on you have choce of S&Y, Basher, Manta Style. Blink can be extreamly good item for riki as it will make him even more evasive.
                                Finally, riki's damge output can insane if you play the hero the right way. For position 4 riki can deal a lot of dmage. Just try not to die a lot in ealy game. You do not have to get a lot of last hits iether. The most important thing for riki is getting experience. Once riki gets lvl 6, game becomes much easier for him.


                                  Idk why people still think OoV is guarantee kill ...


                                    OoV is core on thsi hero in the very early game because the slow makes you able to actually hit heroes, without a slow you cant play riki at all (unless you alredy have boots), a cm will outrun you,

                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                      Toy their detection

                                      Bill Cutting

                                        Frank said he monitors the supports inventory and immediately counters their wards - they’ve now wasted time and gold. And they need to use courier constantly etc so cores are getting to use


                                          Buy quel hit creep


                                            How can anyone suck with him.
                                            If they have spirit breaker you roam, if they dont you offlane. If enemy leaves you 1v1 with safelane core, you farm treads+aquila and then kill their safelane core, if they dont leave him, you just get what farm you can get and collect bounties. Ez

                                            Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                              Delete Riki. Ugliest hero concept ever


                                                Riki is the worst nightmare for supports after his invi is not his SS anymore. I would appreciate if Valve nerf his STR growth more and no one would pick this shit again.

                                                casual gamer

                                                  Riki without diffusal = gl in lpq xd


                                                    Riki phaze boots or tranq >treads


                                                      Man his damage got trashed. Level 1 Riki now does 9 less damage hitting from the rear. It's still not too hard to win, but all you can hope to be as a roaming Riki at this point is an annoyance. Force enemies to spend gold on you and hope you hit some diffusal/basher timing well to actually be of use in fights.

                                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                        What about Dagon Riki?


                                                          if you make the enemy team buy a sentry a minute and dusts every fight you lower their global team gpm by 5-10% already by just being there and having a terrible game. if they dont you are super annoying, kill the supports and interrupt their teamfights. its a win/win situation for your team as long as enemy team doesnt communicate who buys dust and puts sentries where

                                                          Chao Vritra

                                                            a good riki will always outplay a sentry spamming support imo. My good friend and former team mate is a riki main and he knows how to play around sentries

                                                            зачем я начал поиск

                                                              All the answers here are irrelevant, until zDon is summoned.

                                                              Frühshoppen only weizen h...

                                                                you can check my stream if u dont understand gernan just mute, but i got 67%wr over the last 3 Months (130 matches ~) in 6 k bracket
                                                                not the best but mostly solid
                                                                youre welcome




                                                                    4 wraith bands cost 1300 gold less than diffusal and give 8 agi more, as well as 12 str.

                                                                    i mean diffusal is very good for the slow in smoke, and buying wraith bands doesnt mean you cant buy diffusal

                                                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                      There were only 3 sentries in your last Riki game (which you abandoned). You're clearly doing something wrong.

                                                                      Watch my replays and analyze the movement and decision making. I know I'm just 4k, but it will give you a feel of what movements you should be doing to maximize farm and also make the most out of your hero.

                                                                      tl;dr - git gud


                                                                        Idk man i am too clueless how this Hero works no kappa


                                                                          safelane carry riki is legit tbh


                                                                            First time I played against a Riki this patch in turbo mode. I was getting raped by the hollow man. Wtf is this bullshit talent tbh

                                                                            unbreakable spirit

                                                                              Lol did anybody check this guy's Riki games before commenting on this thread? He has 58% win rate and most of the games pretty high kda too, dafuq he complaining about, he got hard countered his last Riki game which he rage quit probably, he is bitching about that one game probably!

                                                                              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                                I sold my aegis, you know that riki received like 8 nerfs in a row?

                                                                                His lvl 1 smoke applied 25% smoke before now its 10, his movement speed was 300 before now its 280, his damage was higher and he could diffuse dust from himself, even monke could have had 60% on riki when playin some time ago, now skill is needed for it


                                                                                  I think literally any hero can manfight him on level 1.


                                                                                    Yes, thats true, but at minute 30 riki can 1v1 any hero also, even if that hero has so much more farm


                                                                                      yea but they made his passive able to crit
                                                                                      so with daedalus you are like PA just permanently invisible.


                                                                                        You are like PA except that that shitty crit gives 10% bonus DPS And you lost more than that with backstab and agility nerfs.

                                                                                        Frühshoppen only weizen h...

                                                                                          the problem is you need 5300 gold for critting "super hard" and u really should not buy dat item (or play pos1 unless ur rtz or some autism dude )


                                                                                            well in the ultra late game that is

                                                                                            ofc you dont get to that stage until like 50 minutes into the game

                                                                                            Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                                              The reason why riki has this winrate (which is not that high tbh) is that in 2k games invisible is so called "immortality". :D

                                                                                              O.J.'s Juicy Bag of Nuts

                                                                                                Riki doesn't have a high winrate. The recent nerf have basically killed him. The only reason he's near 50% is he's a god in lower tiers


                                                                                                  Riki is 49% in 5k, that is not that bad, its no good bY any mean, but its not too bad, in right hands riki is still a thing

                                                                                                  meteor hammer

                                                                                                    nullifier + diffusal is the meme dream but ur hero has no fuckgni dps until you have diffusal+wraiths+yasha+bfly or some shit rofl

                                                                                                    meteor hammer

                                                                                                      if ppl just turn and look at u ur dps goes to zero and u have to either ult or stand there doing nothign

                                                                                                      his blink range talent is retardedly good though


                                                                                                        had a riki feed fb to me as mirana by trying to take rune, not getting it, then just standing there trading hits with me, from the front