General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do you stop from teammates mentally breaking down?

How do you stop from teammates mentally breaking down? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    In general? multiple early game lost clashes, defending mega creeps, 4vs5, internal conflicts etc? thoughts please

    one syllable anglo-saxon

      u cant

      死の恐怖 Haseo

        its not something that you can control.
        don't give a fuck and prepare for next game.


          Reverse psychology, if they feed and die, you insult them hard, then they go like "oh yeah, i will show you who is retard here" and try hard

          Cheap Laugh Guy

            It's hopeless. It is what it is.

            one syllable anglo-saxon

              the only thing u can do is to not escalate the situation further and just sh­ut up and play like u normally do

              Chao Vritra

                just happened to me last night. Silencer and Puck both marked mid. Silencer marked first so he should have gotten it technically but I feel he was also partially at fault for not backing down. Puck ended up feeding the enemy safelane and mid about 5 times.

                We actually were able to talk him down from feeding (I came mid for a gank and he thought I was trying to take mid too, not sure why, I did not stay in XP range just got a gank on the enemy mid and left) but the advantage he gave the other team, specifically antimage, was hard to deal with.

                I will never forget back when I was playing a lot of bounty hunter. I kept coming mid for ganks this one game. The ganks were extremely successful, we literally just kept killing this guy whenever he came back to lane. Because we were getting so many kills I was just sitting mid. Our tinker started freaking out saying that I did not deserve this win because I was stealing his XP and kills...I was not trying to get the kills, it just worked out that way. And the only reason I ended up standing in XP range was because we were literally killing the enemy every time he came back. I stood outside of XP range whenever I was not ganking though so idk.

                I think the guy actually had mental problems, or maybe he was making a youtube video. Another play commented that 'he does this all the time' so idk. That one will always sit with me. Actually made me shy away from playing bounty because that is the one hero I would get flamed for playing. I could pick pudge and miss every hook and I still do not get flamed as hard as when I used to play bounty.

                edit: lol sorry for the rant this story just still makes me really mad lol.

                Ten komentarz był edytowany
                Gab Nuwoll

                  with leadership. but you have to know what you're talking about and analyze the path to victory and then try to steer towards it. this is for times where you feel it's not a lost cause and people are still playing, but playing bad, you have to direct them. comebacks happen, just look at your opendota "comeback" listings.

                  then there's lost causes where people are actively feeding themselves, courier, doing stupid stuff on purpose. ever work customer service or know someone who did? people lash out all the time. there are strategies to "de-escalate" but it's not worth it in dota because you have your own game to worry about. hell it's not even worth it in most jobs, people just call in their managers to deal with customers. play your best with the others and move on. some people are crazy in real life, some are crazy or are smurfing and don't care in dota.


                    I agree with the guy above, it's about leadership.

                    Whenever I encounter something similar to yours, I make sure I don't contribute to the negativity as well as try and uplift them. I also make sure that I have a game plan in mind that can lead us to victory.

                    зачем я начал поиск

                      It's about not giving a fuck and playing your game.
                      You don't care about whatever they say.
                      Their chat is irrelevant.

                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                        if you ward all entrances to your side of the map with obs and sents you can sometimes convince team that you will try and ambush the enemy next time they try and gank.

                        say: "all entrances warded. when they enter we will group up and fuck them"

                        this distracts your team from their stupid arguement and gives them some mild focus. saved me so many games

                        Player 153433446

                          Buy metoer hammer and use it on them...that should do the trick


                            Mute all, farm, push, solo carry, and flame your mid sf until the end of the game because he has 0 items as you hit the enemies ancient.


                              Report them and send them back to low priority where they belong


                                Give less fucks
                                Don't rely on them


                                  Be the positive beacon in the darkness. Rally the troops for smokes to show you're still trying