General Discussion

General DiscussionMidas nerf 7,07

Midas nerf 7,07 in General Discussion
Story Time

    Looks like with ranged creep giving less XP, it was a nerf to midas. Did you feel that?


      its only a nerf if you consistently use midas on ranged creeps. Might call this a situational nerf.

      chicken spook,,,,


        Riguma Borusu

          midas is dogshit anyways you get it on a select few heroes that have an obvious synergy with it and you might as well midas catapults and big creeps when possible

          Story Time

            ^I agree, it is a situational nerf, but still... that is why i am asking if people felt like it is a serious one or not

            btw catapults now seems better in terms of XP.

            Dire Wolf

              people still buy midas in turbo mode. Always a loss.