General Discussion

General DiscussionEmber vs ranged heroes

Ember vs ranged heroes in General Discussion
Niko, TI9.ChrisLuck

    How do laning against ranged heroes using ember., since pms and talon removed and no roaming support we have.


      Use creep aggro and use your spells to harass.
      Dont pick him vs lane dominators or high range.
      Make stacks in a Bad match and Farm them with E


        ^ Basically what he said. I cannot stress enough on how important creep aggro is for Ember (or any melee hero laning against a strong ranged hero) in the first 5-6 minutes against bad lane match-ups.


          Taking favorable trades
          Lane control

          I don't think any melee hero will have a good time at mid this patch tbh

          Ten komentarz był edytowany

            ember just needs to break even laning stage
            u mainly play against ranged heroes by abusing creep agro and abusing skill downtime and positioning mistakes to kill them
            ember doesnt beat people in lane, he just starts massacring with his levels until he gets farm

            Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

              What is icefrog thinking when he removed PMS? Its the most balance item for melee hero to counter those pesky right click attacker.


                how can I play safelane without PMS or RoH now >:(