General Discussion

General DiscussionRest In Peace Tiny

Rest In Peace Tiny in General Discussion

    I'm sorry but who possibly thought that removing a hero's AGILITY AND ARMOUR WAS A PERFECTLY FINE IDEA.
    No shit to Tree Grab tho, I like that idea.

    Dire Wolf

      My guess is he gets patched really soon. 7.0 to 7.01 was only 8 days, and less than 2 months after to 7.02. Usually when new heroes come out they get rebalanced super fast and they'll tweak other heroes as well.

      His win rate has already tanked over 7% so it's pretty obvious he's bad and he was already sub 50% win rate hero.


        100% there will be a balance patch (or even 2) before ranked season starts.

        if not people will go apesh it


          he's a rock

          but has no armor

          makes sense

          Cheap Laugh Guy

            The least awkward armor item he can get is Aquila

            Синячий патруль

              Who possibly thought that a ROCK is vulnerable to magic

              Dire Wolf

                There are a ton of armor items that are ok on tiny, maybe builds need to be adjusted. Old standard build as far as I can tell was like echo sabre, blink, aghs, manta/ac/butter, sometimes shadow blade over blink. That build has no armor except for ac. Now you don't need aghs.

                If you say fuck echo sabre and go cheaper items with armor now maybe it would work.

                Blade mail- decent dmg, int is good on tiny, the return dmg will keep people from attacking you as well.
                Armlet- This might seal the deal right here, attack speed, very good item on strength heroes. Problem is tiny has no way to regen the lost hp well
                Vlads- This combined with armlet might sustain you. Has armor, hp sustain and mana. tiny also does a lot of base dmg so he benefits a lot from this
                AC- obviously a good tiny item but expensive
                Mek- Not a good tiny item I don't think, too much mana, not good stats
                Crimson guard- This is interesting cus dmg block could be really good, but it's expensive for not much stats

                Riguma Borusu

                  the only way I would understand this change is if tiny got like 60%-70% base magic resistance

                  which would actually be really cool

                  imagine he's a hero with 0 armor but a ton of magic resist

                  so depending on the game you try to fit armor into the build somehow, sometimes it would be just armlet vlads and you'd run around and punch people, sometimes you go blink crest or some shit, who knows

                  the bottom line is he didn't get enough in order to be fucked this hard, maybe if at least he was almost impervious to magic damage then this change would make him "good against magic bad against physical" hero, right now he is a "kill me please" hero

                  Ten komentarz był edytowany
                  Cheap Laugh Guy

                    Halberd is okay too
                    Can be disassembled to make SnY and Butterfly later
                    After Blink and Echo, building AC isn't that hard
                    I actually feel like Tiny isn't bad
                    It's just Turbo games are fast and people get HP surpassing the Tiny combo damage threshold soon after he gets Blink Dagger
                    Tree Grab isn't good though
                    it's free Aghs but tbh Aghs wasnt game changing either or any useful in fights

                    Dire Wolf

                      Why would you still go echo on tiny in this state?

                      Riguma Borusu

                        Why would you still go echo on tiny in this state?

                        Because tiny's right click is a nuke and it gives you mana regen. Also it is the most useful attack speed increase tiny can get early.

                        Dire Wolf

                          I agree it’s good but he needs armor more. Echo was about being a burst hero, blink, combo, echo punch them. With new tree I think he’s a farming hero, just skip echo and go right for end game armor items.


                            how does a hero have literally 0 agility
                            wtf is icefrog doing

                            死の恐怖 Haseo


                              Riguma Borusu

                                btw if you play tiny and get the no target toss talent

                                toss lane creeps to high ground and deep trees to have pseudo wards

                                Dire Wolf

                                  I'm sure the thought was they were introducing a really powerful spell and thought he would be op and needed a balancing factor so no agility.