General Discussion

General Discussion7.07 theorycrafting and discussion

7.07 theorycrafting and discussion in General Discussion

    Share your thoughts on what heroes are strong and builds and strats you want to try.

    chicken spook,,,,

      Void MoM BF


        puck + io both with the lvl 25 talent and smth like mjollnir
        sounds insane

        Cheap Laugh Guy

          Windranger's buffed a lot. Focus Fire auto-shooting when the hero's moving is a dream come true.
          Tiny's Toss requiring no target can be a great tool of initiation and rescue too.


            u can sb into someone pushing t3, toss em to t4's blink, toss em again to fountain
            idk if the range is enough to go all the way in the fountain but im sure u can get em rlly far back


              Carry bane, Treads + insert damage item here...
              enfeeble, Sleep, hit the mofo for 7 seconds, Grip the mofo for 13 seconds.

              Global concussive shot :O

              Real talk,
              Qop, Lone druid, Pitlord will be staple meta picks

              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                Shadow Fiend no more upgrade WraithBand into RoA during laning PogChamp?Or do double Wraithband upgrading both seperately xd

                Also from what I read, lvl 1 tripleraze will be very strong.

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                Riguma Borusu

                  i think bane is a ridiculously strong mid now because he has a way to scale

                  pretty sure he can build shit like AC and bkb

                  the real issue is that he's in like top 5 worst farming heroes so I don't think this will catch on, he's so terrible at farming he almost gives riki a run for his money


                    riki isnt that shit for farming tho, i mean he does very big damage and creeps die fast, has a blink and smoke also reduces damage dealt to you by jungle creeps early on.

                    Riguma Borusu

                      ^you can't use backstab against jungle creeps unless you get dominator or manta, that's the problem, and even if he had that riki would still be just "okay" at farming which is not something you're looking for in your carry

                      bane is just... kind of worse than riki but at the same time he has sustain + heavy nuke on a relatively low cd

                      dunno man

                      I just know that you can't face creeps' backs because they keep facing you while you're farming

                      mid or safe farm

                        Meepo.Those talents are on fire.


                          I also think about diffu can't dispel anymore which maybe will make omniknight and shadow demon pickrate increasing (also sven, templar, and troll)

                          Cheap Laugh Guy

                            ^Most importantly, Windranger.


                              hit from the back, then blink strike jungle creep and hit from the back again. creep pretty much dead.

                              Riguma Borusu

                                blink strike is only 50 mana but for a hero with no mana pool that is a lot
                                we'll see how the mana regen change plays into this tho


                                  I think Wraith Kong's new Mortal Strike could be interesting.


                                    Since MKB doesn't provide true strike anymore, I think magic and break is our hope to kill PA now


                                      S TFU ABOUT BANE HE HAS NO WAVECLEAR HE WILL NEVER BE MID

                                      👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                        Pangolier secret roaming god into nerf in 7.13 into being top carry in 7.13f

                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                          Bane doesnt need wave clear to be able to kill the enemy mid a bunch of times
                                          I mean invoker has no wave clear
                                          Viper has no wave clear
                                          Bs has no wave clear (I mean unless u max bloodrite but wtf r u doing then)
                                          Mk has none

                                          👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                            Chaos meteor clear a wave, it is decent way to outpush a lane

                                            Also invoker do offer pushing capability, and much more level dependent than bane

                                            Mk has primal spring and he is a gimmick mid anyway

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                                            Дима Смирнов

                                              rip visage

                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                Viper has no wave clear

                                                you might want to reconsider this now

                                                Mk has none

                                                spring is decent wave clear you just have to be close to trees and have mana to spare


                                                  Third Roshan kill now drops a single-use consumable refresher orb. Cooldown is independent from Refresher Orb



                                                    We just got used to Dota 3... Hello Dota 4.


                                                      They've fired every single sign possible to stop early game jungling. Increased lane creep gold, 1 min for the neutral spawn, removed Iron Talon and PMS... If I still see a single fucking jungle Legion, IDK anymore


                                                        +20 mana break
                                                        get diffusal, linken
                                                        +1 germinate atk

                                                        1 proc of 3 atks reduce mana by 200

                                                        Potato PC

                                                          Finally they buff IO in weird way (even though 2nd/ult nerfed), i'd like to try IO with sven, void, tiny, alche and riki.



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                                                            TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                                                              Tinker with meteor hammer, new aether lens and cast range talent?


                                                                ^there's a channel to the meteor hammer. I thought about that also, 20 min games if there was none, Tinker just wipes all towers from existence xD

                                                                TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                                                                  That's why I suggested to take the cast range so tinker can channel from a distance. We'll just have to wait and see if it's any good


                                                                    This should have been patch 7.1
                                                                    Total game mechanics changed.. XD

                                                                    Yung Beethoven

                                                                      OD got killed again, imo. I dunno why they changed the lvl 10 talent with the much needed mana to hp. I just dont get it. Hopefully some of the new items will make him viable, but i dont believe in that

                                                                      Pale Mannie

                                                                        pitlord at lvl 25 with meteor hammer is an easy highground siege.
                                                                        tinkerbell is not a support beside that AoE Fear she has.
                                                                        io is fucking balanced.
                                                                        kunkka with refresher and fleet talent can permastun your ass and your team if well timed.
                                                                        nullifier on troll has potential.
                                                                        pangolin is a fucking LoL hero tbh.
                                                                        that 100% cleave on doom may be useless with his dogshit BAT.
                                                                        fast tickling maiden.
                                                                        carry bane is legit broken.
                                                                        noone wants techies to get lvl 25.
                                                                        fuck those WR buffs. cant wait to play against this kind of cancer.


                                                                          patch seems good but hero balance is kinda shit. like wtf are they thinking.


                                                                            Kunkka refresher no doubt. Ready to kill any wr with xmark

                                                                            Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                              Beastmaster is just crazy the meteor in addition to roar and if u get lucky centaur creep is stuns for years plus highground seiging with aura attack speed and extra creeps and meteor.
                                                                              Huskar with the urn upgrade is super good
                                                                              If u have dazzle or oracle on ur team u can help ur supports pull off graves or false promise with the god mode no damage input or output item.
                                                                              Lion after hex changes and lvl 25 hex talent is too good to exist
                                                                              Ld is op af
                                                                              Refresher undying u get 25 you get 3rd aegis and free refresh then bam one tomb stone die another one aegis refresher orb tomb die tomb ressurect refresher consumed tomb die tomb ressurect not sure if you can refresh refresger with the consumable refresher would be pretty funny to watch :)
                                                                              Undying pugna duo offlane is new cancer for sure
                                                                              I think u take extra blink range on am vs bs now maybe?
                                                                              New heroes are balanced
                                                                              Io jungle and sven carry io gets armlet and aghs talent tether sven free aghs then io has gods strength I think this goes with uberlord too
                                                                              Patch is fine with pretty hard to execute meme builds
                                                                              Pretty sad sk is still the same pretty much ...wanted a caustic finale buff
                                                                              Oh Ta is bullshit
                                                                              Bane lion jakiro will be picked more I think
                                                                              Clinkz got a couple good buffs and deserved nerfs..not sure how good new strafe is
                                                                              Kunkka lvl 25 is cool too
                                                                              Expecting a very soon balance patch

                                                                              Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                                Someone said rearm won't refresh meteor. I don't know where they got the info but tinker will be insane with that hammer if not. By the time you tp to a tower it'll be hit for 360 dmg.

                                                                                I'm excited to try this new wraith king. He got no nerfs, this little skeleton army takes time to build but can be 12 skeletons that do 70 dmg with talents. That's 200 less hp than treants but it's same dmg as talented ones. If you don't have a lot of wave clear and you time this right it could waste a rax or team fight. Maybe necrobook wk will be a thing?

                                                                                Also want to try stacking satanics on a hero like wk too and see if they become unkillable. At 75 dmg for a strength hero it seems pretty good.

                                                                                I want to try new medusa, crit is going to be a lot better item now without dmg reduction on main target and at 25 with mjollnir and procs off split shot it's just drow on steroids. New mkb, mjollnir, bloodthorne, daedulus medusa mmmm.


                                                                                  Dude, od is super strong in lane now u max w and deny all creeps, every hero who can out deny enemy in mid will be really good (in lane)


                                                                                    ethreal blade jug with blade fury talent, them ult with aghs lul

                                                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                                                      Also nullfier seems absurdly op. 5 second mute (MUTE! can't use items or spells) on a 14s cd item that has 600 range and insanely good stats. Only bad part is sacred relic buildup is tough. But on a hero like sniper it's really strong.

                                                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                                                        Troll too did not get any nerfs, got a lot of buffs. At 25 you can have permanent whirling axes debuff, 275 dmg every 3 seconds lolol. OR dispel your entire team every 35.

                                                                                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                          600 range active item on sniper :thinking:

                                                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                                                            When storm or tinker jumps you just cast it on them, or cast at melee heroes running at you so they can't get their stuns off.

                                                                                            Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                                                              Mute only disables items
                                                                                              It doesn't include silence

                                                                                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                                right im playing vs storm/tinker and instead of buying bkb ill try to save for sacred relic to build an item that will maybe help me until either of them get hex/bkb

                                                                                                Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                                                                  It's almost 5k gold for a mute and it's projectile spell which can be dodged with Manta or BKB
                                                                                                  It has damage and armor bonus so it's like a carry's alternate Scythe of Vyse without the silence and all

                                                                                                  I think a sheepstick is still better in most cases


                                                                                                    Does Stampede work on the moving techies mines now?


                                                                                                      its also a dispel which I think makes it the best choice for a rightclick carry that needs a dispel agianst things like pugna necro wr. it's somewhat a replacement for diffusal.

                                                                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                                                                        ok if it's only items then it's not that good.