General Discussion

General DiscussionRiki lvl 20 talent

Riki lvl 20 talent in General Discussion

    Cast Range every game?

    Riguma Borusu

      25 is a curious way to write 20

      Entertainment 7wenty

        well seeing as how the stats is both picked more often and has a higher win rate, I'd say no, not every game. I personally almost always go stats.

        Mode : TOPSON

          125 cast range useless on night so...


            cast range? night?
            try to understand the difference between cast range and night vision sir

            Cheap Laugh Guy



                after watching some riki plays, i can say that cast range talent only is good when you specifically play around having the cast range talent (it increases gem range, and allows you to use blink strike/smoke from outside gem range, high ground stuff, and so on).

                Potato Marshal

                  Pretty sure cast range doesn't effect gem range.

                  Riguma Borusu

                    ^he is referring to the enemy gem, and the ability to play around it with the cast range talent


                      is that so mister 5k potato marshal?

                      To clarify, I am referring to both using the gem, and playing around the enemy gem.

                      Ten komentarz był edytowany
                      Riguma Borusu

                        ^wait why the fuck does that work, I'm pretty sure cast range modifiers are very specific (see the CAST in the name?)

                        but eh

                        dota consistency, I guess I am asking way too much

                        I guess shadow shaman is now one of the best gem carriers in the game

                        Ten komentarz był edytowany

                          It's only 25 extra range over Lion, and comes at level 20 instead of 10: completely negligible to be honest, if not giving Lion the edge.

                          Ten komentarz był edytowany
                          Riguma Borusu

                            Well, yeah, I guess, I thought I'd just pay attention to the highest value but you're right, that's even more insane. Those range talents combined with lens really catch me offguard a lot of the time when I just don't expect a hero like lion or ss to blink across half the map, then hex me from a retarded range and there was nothing I could have done to stop them from doing it.


                              Don't u mean kotl is the best gem carrier?


                                Wait do cast range bonuses increase the radius of every aura?

                                Riguma Borusu

                                  oh right, lvl 25 kotl

                                  yeah that's insane I just didn't think about it before because I didn't think it worked on gem, but now that I know it does, it blows my mind, he's always been one of the best gem carriers, but that talent takes it to a new level

                                  Wait do cast range bonuses increase the radius of every aura?

                                  fuck if anyone knows, I didn't know this shit, but apparently it works for gem at least, someone needs to go through all of them and test if it works, and also, if it works for auras, does it or should it also work for buff giving abilities that are kinda like auras like empowering haste and warcry? I doubt tho. Auras getting bonus doesn't make sense, and neither does this, but I guess you can't predict anything.

                                  god dota is a confusing game

                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                  chicken spook,,,,

                                    Moonshard gem riki = all seeing eye :thinking:


                                      it doesnt work,i tested it in demo hero with kotl just now
                                      gem range still the same,axe was in the circle with shadowblade but need to get closer for his hero to be seen


                                        Does cast range increase the visionbonus given by moonshard?! :thinking:

                                        Cheap Laugh Guy



                                            what the hell

                                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                                              visual range representation =/= actual ability range

                                              < blank >

                                                This is bullshit, I tested it.

                                                The cast range increases the green radius thingy of gem and even his ulti BUT THE RANGE IS STILL THE SAME 900 FOR GEM AND 500 FOR ULTI.

                                                thank me later or blame OP, have a nice day

                                                Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                meteor hammer

                                                  ur A RETARD IT DOESNT INCREAXSE GEM RANGE ITS A FUCKING BUG MISTER RETARD

                                                  meteor hammer


                                                    WHEN YU TEST SHJIT ACTUALLY TEST IT, DONT JUST TRUST THE AIOE INDICATOR




                                                        Sry all, did not know that there are such serious bugs in DOTA2 still.

                                                        Riguma Borusu

                                                          damn I jumped onto the bandwagon, but dota is not installed here so I could not test

                                                          i have 5 reports to use

                                                            Cast range on Riki has more game impact than shitty stats. I hope you guys can think for yourself