General Discussion

General DiscussionMonkey King

Monkey King in General Discussion

    How TF is bf mk different from echo mk
    Like can someone please explain this heroes playstyles/skill build?


      bf is noob, echo ok

      < blank >

        for some reason people think this is something new and "good" now every one is building it even tho it's most of the time utter dogshit

        Riguma Borusu

          BF is cool against NP and illusion based heroes. I don't know why some people build MK like antimage, tho.


            IMO ITS same playstyle but BF just make your farm faster when sabre can make your enemy feed


              I like bf coz it suit my afk farming while creating space style

              chicken spook,,,,

                while creating space


                  creating space doesnt mean sitting in jungle leaving a lane to farm for someone else... reading this forum makes you qant to quit dota xD


                    Bf is great against minion summoning heroes, illusion based heroes, or for example against lineups you cant go highground early so you just pick it up to farm faster. You clear waves and jungle camps rapidly with the assistance of primal spring. The hp and mana regen really helps you sustain while flash farming (also clearing ancients is way easier). Item is situational and should only be purchased rarely since monkey kings power spike is early to mid game and buying a battlefury wont really make you fight better which is what you usually want to be doing.

                    Riguma Borusu

                      BF is also pretty good if the enemy cannot easily jump on you, because it means you can split push pretty safely. But since you cannot escape shit once you take damage, it is obviously worse than heroes who have an actual escape mechanism.

                      You can create space and farm, you dummy. That IS split pushing.

                      Ten komentarz był edytowany
                      Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                        Battlefury MK allows his first skill, the Boundless Strike to create Cleave circle AOE on each target, which deals insane amount of damage when the enemy is group together. When used on a wave of creeps, plus the crit it deals around 1k+ damage each.

                        And when you have the +100% Boundless Damage talent, you can one hit fragile hero if they clump together. Kappa

                        chicken spook,,,,

                          You can create space and farm, you dummy. That IS split pushing.

                          was not my point


                            Well there is a reason it's built so often in the pros I've seen

                            BSJ. LGD

                              good vs fight dodgers i presume


                                i believe its ult, so its like ember SoF but longer duration, idk thou

                                Riguma Borusu

                                  Battlefury MK allows his first skill, the Boundless Strike to create Cleave circle AOE on each target, which deals insane amount of damage when the enemy is group together. When used on a wave of creeps, plus the crit it deals around 1k+ damage each.
                                  And when you have the +100% Boundless Damage talent, you can one hit fragile hero if they clump together. Kappa

                                  Boundless strike doesn't work with cleave.



                                    1) Perserverence + Aquilla let you pretty much always be with full mana & hp.
                                    2) Cleave works in ulti. It's overrated, but still good.
                                    3) You can flash farm with BF & hero scales amazingly, so getting a lot of farm on him is good.
                                    4) It's hard to punish him buying BF. He is still really strong with it.
                                    5) It gives high raw dmg, which suits Boundless Strike.

                                    I think that if you play mid, you shouldn't go for BF. Your main responsibility is creating space for your safe laner & pressuring enemies. However if you play safe lane carry, you should get BF in pretty much every game, because your main responsibility is to get as farmed as possible.

                                    I also think that as a safe laner, you should get different talents on him. Safe lane MK -> AS, HP, DMG, HP. Mid lane MK -> AS, Jingu dmg, dmg, crit. Also you should get different items, from safe lane get stuff like - BF, AC, Manta, S&Y, Diffusal etc. On mid - Echo, Desolator etc. I think that carry MK should be more tanky than mid one, to frontline more. As mid you want to one-two shot supports.

                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                      Mid mk is rare
                                      Only works in melee matchups, otherwise u kinda lose

                                      Riguma Borusu

                                        Him having a BF doesn't change how you kill him, which is an important aspect of the hero, and the fact is, he starts off with basically 0 armor, doesn't build armor, builds barely any HP. Just catch him and burst him down. Whether he has bf or deso or any item, he'll just die if properly focused.

                                        < blank >

                                          you can play mid MK almost against anything


                                            i just find the 0 armor and lvl 1 jingu to be underwhelming
                                            retards will feed mk mid, but if ur against a puck or smth, it seems so hard

                                            < blank >

                                              that's why you start with a pms which gives you already 1 armor and 20 dmg block,
                                              then you get oov and boots and with the orb and lvl 2 jingu you can already tower dive the enemy just be aware of the next creepwave


                                                Carry mk is blowing up , I guess it's the hottest new craze


                                                  that's why you start with a pms which gives you already 1 armor and 20 dmg block,
                                                  then you get oov and boots and with the orb and lvl 2 jingu you can already tower dive the enemy just be aware of the next creepwave

                                                  i know how its played it just feels hard to execute against certain opponents
                                                  like lvl 1 jingu lifesteal isnt that much, so diving towers feels super hard, as in ur gonna die
                                                  even against invoker, u draw aggro when u hit him and he cold snaps and u cant move.
                                                  like if im against a dk or bs or jugg or ember in mid i wud shit on them, but against certain heroes it feels rlly hard.


                                                    MK losses mid only to QoP, Orb Walkers (Viper, Clinkz, Silencer), Windrunner, Tinker, Ursa. I maybe forgot 1-2 heroes. Versus the rest, he does perfectly fine. If not even, he wins.


                                                      ^ THEN WHY THE FUCK UR WHOLE LIFE 1K MMR PLAYER WITH 1500 GAMES IF U KNOW?


                                                        Actually...Since the bash modifier no longer applied to his wukong comand, I hate this primate.

                                                        IMO, both are great. Choose bf if u want some power on the wukong command, echo suits when u want to fast-shutdown an enemy with your rightclick.


                                                          I think echo does more for the ulti early on than BF, because of the slow.


                                                            Does his ult still slow from echo?


                                                              the first hit from each monkey clone will slow from echo
                                                              and i think the attacks slow again after whatever echo cd is but im not sure


                                                                MK can already farm creep waves with his W

                                                                Potato Marshal

                                                                  Still better than back when everybody bought blademails and vanguards on him for whatever reason.

                                                                  Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                                    I think Battlefury is for countering illusions or you are the team's absolute pos 1 which means you farm real hard instead of roaming a bit to help the team
                                                                    Otherwise Midas Deso Diffu or Echo are the better paths

                                                                    meteor hammer

                                                                      Mid mk is rare
                                                                      Only works in melee matchups, otherwise u kinda lose


                                                                        ur enemy retard
                                                                        why the fuck wk build Vladmir's Offering???????????????????????????????

                                                                        even their draft is suck only wk who can lock down heroes.


                                                                          Bf mk is literally garbage.

                                                                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                            Actually i think clones keep slowing as long as the main hero has echo sabre off cooldown. Bf is not bad, its like an investment. Monkey is still plenty capable of taking fights so you are only changing his powerspike to be more lategame focused. If you have a secondary carry like ta or sf then you should skip it and let them farm instead. Monkey does plenty of damage i feel so just building him as tanky as possible (synergize well with ulti armor) without hindering your farm ability is the way to go i think