General Discussion

General DiscussionShort clarification for 3ks

Short clarification for 3ks in General Discussion

    when someone in your game marks enemy jungle, picks a roamer and writes the following;

    "i will give 2 tangos to mid, and i will help with wards"



    when i kindly ask you to at least HELP me buy wards 10 mins into the game that doesnt mean "buy 1 obs ward and place it randomly on the map and forget about it"
    like at least place a ward for your lane, i want to roam and kill stuff, not walk around the map placing wards for you.

    im getting so triggered by this, every damn game i have to play solo support.

    i mean its workinh out for me since i climbed from 2.3 to 3.1 with like 5 losses, but i still feel the urge of throwing the game just to see these greedy supports loose mmr. doesnt have to be this way.

    thanks for reading and considering

    Ten temat był edytowany

      why do you waste money on wards as a roamer

      roamer only buys a couple of wards to place in the enemy jungle so he can gank easier, other than that why do you waste money?

      Ten komentarz był edytowany

        why do you post this kind of threads, who is supposed to be ineterested?

        one syllable anglo-saxon

          typical euro trash beta male, buying 999 wards as pos4 and crying


            calling people beta on the internet because of actions in a game is as beta as it gets


              calling people beta because they called u beta is so beta

              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                gamma af


                  i feel like people have 0 map awareness or cant predict movements of enemies at all, so i place wards to stop them from dying.

                  and if i tell them that they shouldnt be where there are instead of placing wards they dont listen, die and get tilted

                  then what am in realistically supposed to buy in a 3k game? just dust, smoke and maybe 2-3 wards?

                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                    u got me here man

                    oh wait no u dont ure an overweight right-leaning dota player in a 1st world country if thats not bea idk what is

                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                      sry that was mean
                      i didnt mean to call switzerland a first world country


                        you better are because we are the everlasting reich not first world

                        did you guys watch too much tyler1?

                        idc dumb banter talk with kids

                        Ten komentarz był edytowany
                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                          then what am in realistically supposed to buy in a 3k game? just dust, smoke and maybe 2-3 wards?

                          semi carry items


                            yeah i needed a force in my last game im pretty sure


                              no force staff vs meepo lol


                                Thats why u pick Riki pos 4 if someone says "Riki buy Ward pls" u just mute because u know that person is retarded


                                  shouldnt you become pos 5 instead, if your pos 5 cant do his job and is acting like he's a 4?

                                  chicken spook,,,,

                                    calling people beta because they called someone beta because he got called as beta is so beta

                                    chicken spook,,,,

                                      Oh is this the guy who loves to call out whiny SEA kids while doing the same thing they do? Good stuff man


                                        Why do people always stuck in role. Neither pos 4 or pos 5 is wrong. They are just like twin. Their role is the same. You can change pos 4 to 5 and 5 to 4. It's like soccer.


                                          OR you can be both


                                            that's simply not true, pos 4 and 5 are super fucking different.


                                              Man so many people would be way higher mmr if they just did whatever is needed to win instead of being closeminded in a box of position 1-5.


                                                your stats say otherwise

                                                all heroes played in their respective positions and roles.


                                                  Yeah. I always call mid whenever i load into a match and play the heroes I enjoy playing the most currently. In solo games, most of the time I buy my own ward if needed incase my supports don't do so. I won't bother bitching about it if they don't.
                                                  Playing my most played heroes on their most common positions. Well doesn't that mean exactly that i do what I can to win the game.
                                                  You probably didn't get the point or I am just bad at writing/explaining things.
                                                  Another example: when I'm playing a roamer and the guy who is logically supposed to buy all the wards and shit doesn't do so, I do it myself without bitching about it and making a thread on a fucking forum to bitch about it even more.

                                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                    i wouldn't, because that's a waste of money which can be used to do useful things: get items to get kills, aka do my job

                                                    low prio master

                                                      Well written Science!!!


                                                        Well if doing your job helps you more at winning the game then I have no problem with that at all.


                                                          when I'm playing a roamer and the guy who is logically supposed to buy all the wards and shit doesn't do so, I do it myself without bitching about it and making a thread on a fucking forum to bitch about it even more
                                                          Of course i will only buy the wards if it helps more at winning the game. Like preventing my core from dying or finding extra kills. Obviously if im 200 gold from blink as earthshaker i will save it and buy the blink. The "pos 5" may do whatever the fuck he wants, he will have less game impact than me and potentially loses next game for the same reason while I win it


                                                            and i just ping the support to do his job, works like a charm!

                                                            only wards i buy as a roamer is sentries for ganks, and wards in the enemy side so i can fuck them up.

                                                            why counter gank, when you can prevent the gank from happening in the first place BY FUCKING EM UP.

                                                            Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                              a representation of what you should be doing:

                                                               while(otherSupport.BuyWard == 0) 
                                                              ping(otherSupport, 5);
                                                              say_team("buy wards\n");

                                                              i aint gonna be the idiot who buys the wards and roams, while the other fuck stares at butterflies.

                                                              Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                haha ONLY PROGRAMMERS WILL GET THIS ;)) like and shae if u get it!

                                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                                  that indentation and spacing are horrible tho

                                                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                    the variable names could use some work too

                                                                    lebron james jr

                                                                      Maybe pick a versatile hero who can do both pos 4 and 5?


                                                                        on wednesdays we kode
                                                                        ;- ): )) )